Well add me to the Banned list, apparently when your the owner you do what you want no questions asked or your banned.
I understand.. I was a very angry young man. But the big picture calls for all kinds of alliances. I did not make the rule, I can only go along with it.
I do not wish a bad relationship with ya. I want us to work together. We all have things to deal with but we all have this issue to deal with as a whole as to our freedoms and our voice.
It is so silly we have men telling men what they can smoke.... we cannot allow this any longer as humans.
You have the heart, but you're out numbered by the Stumps, DinafemHash and Trevors of the world. The do 10x more damage to every single victory you mount, sorry but the truth is bleak for MMJ in MI.
Fuck you Tony, the only asshole causing damage is you and the bullshit you spew in here. You're a fucking grade-a asshole. You need your little flame snuffed out buddy.
Sad little man. You think posting here, and acting like you are following and supporting the laws and making MMJ better or even make a minuscule difference?!
Wow, the little respect you did garner is now gone, thanks for the entertainment though.
For once in my life the loss of someones respect means shit to me.
I do follow and support the laws and I'm not here to make a difference, sorry to mislead you.
You should take a bow though, you seem to be doing a real good job teaching the rest of the mmj community how NOT to act. I don't even know why you are still hanging around here. Everyone thinks you are a fool. Nobody puts any releveance to your posts at all and everything you say goes in one ear and out the other.
But I'll always be here to call you out and let you know you're being an asshole. I don't mind.