Just try and give them really good air exchange, and a good amount of light. Try and keep them at 80f-84f when lights are on, and I wouldnt go under 74f, when lights are off. Keep a slight breeze on them, 24/7. Dont cut Nitrogen, in flowering. Make sure they always have calcium, and magnesium in their feed. Never let them dry out so much, that the leaves droop. I use a cheap moisture meter from Lowes, and take reading at several spots in the container. I never let the needle, get past Low Moist Line. NEVER IN DRY TERRITORY.. If they get dry, and are watered, this can concentrate dissolved solids, and when watered, can burn them. And its 2x as bad, if they get dry, and watered, and fed when dry. It is good to let them get to the low moist line, as this really gets oxygen to the roots. BUT NEVER DRY. OR BELOW THE LOW MOIST LINE. Just a HAIR, above Low Moist.
If using led. Give them 40w sq/ft. Or 800-900ppf would probably be a good target number for intensity. And really try and give them all the fresh air exchange you can. IMHO, this is one of the main things for indoor growing. If they are wet for more than 4 days, dont water so heavily. Best to have to water every 3-4 days. Unless seedling, or in small containers, which may evaporate faster. Seedlings need small amounts, more often. IMHO.