Thanks man, appreciate the response. I didnt think the humidifier would do that, it was just the only thing I could identifify as being different between the two. They're both in the same water source, same amount of heat, same amount of light, same amount of wind, and the one thing different is the humidifier is way closer to that one. Its wierd that only select leaves are affected though. Makes me think deficiency. Problem is my ppms are around 400 and I doubt that they are def. I have given them 1/4 dose cal/mag and 1/4 dyna gro all purpose in tap water. Ph is kept from 5.8 to 6I don't think the humidifier would do that. How's your water ph? Have you checked under the leaves for bugs? It could need a shot of cal mag. Not sure on that one. Be patient some folks on here should be able to pinpoint the problem for you. They look pretty good though. Good luck!