your prices on extasty


Well-Known Member
$15 is something you'll get charged at a rave at 2am... while everyone if fiend-ING and coming down... the drug dealer knowing very well you'll pay that price!


Well-Known Member
Three years ago you could get them for 50cents-1$ a pop. That is if you bought aLOT
Now, i wouldnt know. If you buy one, i know its 5-10. Its a good deal if your into that stuff. Good for a high. No good for your organs tho. Ive done it three or four times and did not like it. 1 pill does the job. You know when you take a really big bong hit of honey oil or budder. Its like that for 10 hours


It's a good market in cali...lot's of Molly and the pokes when they were fire. I don't party much anymore but saw Ferry Corsten and deadmou5e and rolled through the night last time...i'm getting older and the negs are starting to outwiegh the positives...that sucks! lol 5-7 for one at a time when you know people for good doses...much cheaper in bulk...but it absolutely depends on the pill quality. There has been a lot of good stuff if your tied in though as of late.



Well-Known Member
€5 for street x(no real MDMA for a looong time)
€2 if you kno the right peeps
€8 for 2-cb
€10 for acid.
Caps tend to fetch €3-7 usually mephedrone
head shop pills(big selection) which are o.k.ish are €45 for 5


Well-Known Member
music festivals i have gotten it for 2 for $15 but just recently a buddy got a bunch of 25$ a pill and it sucked hahah. i think the midwest is terrible.


went to the pendulum concert last weekend in seattle met a dealer who hooked me up with 2 dub stacks and a quad stack for $7 but i guess it was one of those i just met you but your a homie hookup pretty much he said he'd sell em to me for 3 bucks a pop for quad stacks on an everyday basis imma be hittin up a huge rave this weekend in portland


Well-Known Member
sorry lol i did it backwards, but even still obviously location location location ! i asked for ten boats and the price was not much higher the 1.50 a pop was like 1.65 and that's for 10 k i guess you must be closer to the big fish then me on the chain lol


Well-Known Member
here in GA its about $7 a pill but drops down to $5 if u buy more than 5 $10 for double stacks and bigger.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
damn shits threw the roof were im at $70 a g molly presses $20 to $15 $700 a boat i dont realy fuck with the presses tho all the shit around here is 1 of the 2-c's


Well-Known Member
Fuck, you guys pay crazy amounts.
Candies are $5/pill standard, anyone charging anymore is ripping you off. I can get pills for $1.50 / ea if I buy over 300, and selling them is RIDICULOUS profits... most people want 10 pills at a time, easy 50 bucks... considering you paid $15 for all 10 of those pills.

and I'm talking crazy shit, you get high as fuck..... and its not one kind... theres so many different kinds.... purple aliens, green motorolas, white versaces, pink dolphins, white ladies..... it goes on and on..