Your seed recomendations for an auto?....

What's not to believe?

Justough grew an auto that went over 20 zips dry.

Autos easily go 3-6 zips.

And yes miracle grow works. there is a reason it is put out by the pallet at big box stores. I just wouldn't use it because of the heavy metal content.

1)are you a newbie?
2) do you report your wet weight at harvest as your finish?
3) do you use regular soil?
4) already know you dont use miracle grow.

december 8= final weight is listed 15.48 ounces 5 plants
december 12= still wet in jar.......

after dry, loses 75% of its water weight, making the total 3.7 ounces, or .74 ounces per plant.

this is why I dont believe it till I see it.

1)newbie grow
2) 3 oz per plant(whole, wet plant?)
3)regular soil
4)miracle grow nutrients
5) led lights
6) cfl bulbs
Autos or photo period plants can be fem seeds. Means the breeder used a female crossed with a female to make female seed.

Autos are crossed with ruderalis. It grows up north where the summers are short and the days are 20 hours long. It allows for a person to grow plants in areas where it frost early and photoperiod plants wont work. They can be grown indoors also. The tap root determines when it flowers. Up north the ground is always frozen so far down. When the tap root hits the permafrost they flower. Bigger pot, bigger auto.

do you have any links to ruderalis flowering being triggered by permafrost? I have no permafrost outdoors in july, they grow, flower, and finish when the breeder said they would. I never heard of this before. pretty cool if you think about it. a plant that wont flower until the tap root hits ice...just awesome!
My only experience with hubbabubbasmellascope is wanting it so bad!! This was gonna be my initial purchase but was out of stock lol I'd say from what I've read and seen most there strains are killer :)
Got HBSS coming in the mail in about a week, im stoked! Son ordered it for me. message me if you want to know the seedbank, I believe they still have (1) or (3) packs in son said they were a b**ch to find!
Yeah I come across out of stock on a lot of mephisto strains last time I looked :( .. not looked for a while but would definitely appreciate a link to the Swedbank your son used :) feel free to send it through private message if you don't want to post it
I'm U.K. So hopefully shouldn't be a problem :)

The wait before you can plant them and wait some more lol patience is probably the hardest part about growing , seeing the buds develop and knowing you can't touch them for a few more week can be soul destroying at times but all good things come to those who wait, apperntly :P
Your UK? cool. which part? I bet you have a killer accent, compared to my boston one that is! Im glad I could help :-) Its fun growing, but then I get to a point where i say "OK, enough, just be done". I like to see an outcome, a benefit from what I am putting so much effort into. Patience and me dont groove, but maybe growing will be a great way to learn it~this one I cant rush
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Haha I don't know about accent , just sound normal to me :P typical British I would say , nothing out of the ordinary :)

Yeah I'm generally not the most patient , I try my hardest but there's always that little voice in the back of my mind telling me it won't hurt to be a little early , only ever works out to be my own loss though so no harm done lol
1)are you a newbie?
2) do you report your wet weight at harvest as your finish?
3) do you use regular soil?
4) already know you dont use miracle grow.

december 8= final weight is listed 15.48 ounces 5 plants
december 12= still wet in jar.......

after dry, loses 75% of its water weight, making the total 3.7 ounces, or .74 ounces per plant.

this is why I dont believe it till I see it.

1)newbie grow
2) 3 oz per plant(whole, wet plant?)
3)regular soil
4)miracle grow nutrients
5) led lights
6) cfl bulbs
That thread is not a good example and you are correct about it.

I was just saying that 3-6 zips per plant is easily achievable.

I wouldn't recommend miracle grow but it grows stuff just fine. most of the time the problem is people over watering and releasing too much nutrients or using too much of the powder feed.
do you have any links to ruderalis flowering being triggered by permafrost? I have no permafrost outdoors in july, they grow, flower, and finish when the breeder said they would. I never heard of this before. pretty cool if you think about it. a plant that wont flower until the tap root hits ice...just awesome!
I'll have to dig to find it. Something I came across years ago.

I'm surprised that yours finished on par with breeder specs.

What did you grow it in? a hole in the ground? A pot or hole that is back filled will provide a hard bottom.

I'll dig and try to find the article on the tap root thing.
That thread is not a good example and you are correct about it.

I was just saying that 3-6 zips per plant is easily achievable.

I wouldn't recommend miracle grow but it grows stuff just fine. most of the time the problem is people over watering and releasing too much nutrients or using too much of the powder feed.

I'll have to dig to find it. Something I came across years ago.

I'm surprised that yours finished on par with breeder specs.

What did you grow it in? a hole in the ground? A pot or hole that is back filled will provide a hard bottom.

I'll dig and try to find the article on the tap root thing.


I've used MG outdoors before with good results too, never used indoors though.

I grow in the ground often (with auto's) when so inclined. I do like containers for my photos though. long time ago I went auto crazy, found joint doctor to be my finest selections. If I grow them now I prefer santa marta varieties, but I dont even think about them when I do. more like funz

good day