your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Weasels.....ripped my flesh...............Zappa

These asshat's remind me of Zappa's song "Flakes" A bit different but basically the same flakes we're dealing with on this thing. LP's and Gov = FLAKES

Here the link if your interested

Gotta love how his lyrics were so right on the button R.I.P. Mr Zappa......MR Freedom of expression.....Loved Him
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Hey Doc.....I'm was not sure if there was some sarcasm mixed in there or not....
I know you were doing your own thing....before....
Did you get lumped in with the others?
So if I read this correctly am I to assume that All patients, regardless of whether they are MMAR or MMPR will be covered by the injunction? So, go ahead and grow if these changes are approved?
So if I read this correctly am I to assume that All patients, regardless of whether they are MMAR or MMPR will be covered by the injunction? So, go ahead and grow if these changes are approved?

as long as you held a valid ATP to possess and/or PUPL to grow
Isn't that how it is now? I thought when stated all patients who require MMJ he actually meant ALL patients.....not just those who were approved before a certain date. So what is he actually trying to change? Just the 150g limit?
My understanding is Conroy is trying to make changes to the injunction order to include: covering anybody with established medical need regardless of whether they held ATP/PUPL on September 30th 2013. Changes to 150 gram posession limit. Allowing new patients the right to grow and old patients to change production site. I'm sure this has been posted somewhere already but this is the appeal filed by HC and the cross appeal filed by Conroy.
Joyride is correct.

If you did not have a valid ATP/PUPL on Sept30th 2013 ASWELL as on March 21st 2014 you are not valid to grow. Conroy has a urgent message on his site regarding this, basically stating that HC is correct with there interpretation of the rules BUT incase of legal intervention (Police) get a note from either your MD or specialist for the same Gram/Day and even under MMAR rules and regs that note is valid as a perscription and is valid for 12months.

The sticky part, if the polce come and you do not have the valid paper work. I would almost garentee as they treat your garden plus supply as illegal.

I was 2 ways on this "forget it im going to grow" and "ahh il wait and see how this plays out"

For the "forget it im going to grow" i wanted to stick it to the man, trying to get there hands in my pocket even more and at the risk of my health.

then for the "ahh il wait and see how this plays out"

*IF* the Police come;
Mutiple cop cars/trucks outside my home.
Mutiple officers carrying my plants to there trucks.
Charged with production. (6 month mandatory minimum)
Charged with possession.
Criminal record, finger prints.
Endless court visits.
Criminal record.
Loose my job.
House worth nothing as its now a "grow op"
Lost my job so now my wife needs another to continue the mortgage on a worthless house as im in jail.

This list can go on forever and everybody has there own Pros vs sure my Cons are the same as alot of people. OH and ofcourse all the neighbors arent nosy enough as it is...they wont watch from there front lawn as the cops block off the street and answer questions to the media....nah neighbors keep to themselves LOL
Unless you had "a valid ATP/PUPL on Sept30th 2013 ASWELL as on March 21st 2014 you are not valid to grow"
That is a very fine line. Curious as to how they reached such a date and time?
Such a small window of opportunity, would make it so very few would be growing I'd suspect.
Only due to when they had their prescriptions filled?

geeess... Lots to address.
Unless you had "a valid ATP/PUPL on Sept30th 2013 ASWELL as on March 21st 2014 you are not valid to grow"
That is a very fine line. Curious as to how they reached such a date and time?
Such a small window of opportunity, would make it so very few would be growing I'd suspect.
Only due to when they had their prescriptions filled?

geeess... Lots to address.

Yes thats correct, a very small windows for the past 15years of MMAR. There are even 2 of conroys clients who dont fall into the injunction.

I would like to know when the cross appeal is that all these issues get mentioned at. Soon the better for us but like jason said were not chassing them down, HC needs to defend themselves.