your way to make a bowl


Well-Known Member
see, not a big fan of the metals and unnatural shit for smoking out of. go glass, or go home (apples work...i've used a tomato, but you have to be careful cause they're mad wet. cucumber too, but that's kinda tricky. apples best if you haven't got anything glass. that shit makes bad stuff for your lungs)


Well-Known Member
can't deny that. just prefer the apple trick (with the top of it). or to use a slide/chillum and make the bong with something.


Active Member
so your saying using like tinfoil and or metal sockets are bad for your lungs? how so? id like some explaining haha.


Well-Known Member
tinfoil burns holes in your lungs (if you use it enough). and when you heat up metals, they release chemicals into the air, that you then inhale. you can feel it. i mean to each his own, but i personally advise against it.


Well-Known Member
tinfoil burns holes in your lungs (if you use it enough). and when you heat up metals, they release chemicals into the air, that you then inhale. you can feel it. i mean to each his own, but i personally advise against it.
well if u burn the foil b4 hand then the chemicals get realesed into the air then those chemicals are gone from the foil so its safe.. i guess?


Active Member
Its so easy man, this is what i do. Take a socket than cut out a small square of window screen and put it in the bottom. I make bongs all the time for fun hahaha and the bowl is useuable for all of them because it fits a pen stem. the bigger the better imo hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Its so easy man, this is what i do. Take a socket than cut out a small square of window screen and put it in the bottom. I make bongs all the time for fun hahaha and the bowl is useuable for all of them because it fits a pen stem. the bigger the better imo hahahaha.
wudnt the window screen burn up? and it wudnt be sturdy


Well-Known Member
I made a bong last night that worked like a champ. I took a 3/8" socket and pushed it into the end of a highlighter. I then made another piece that the highlighter pushed into out of a Bic pen. The bic pen is in a 1 liter bottle that i burnt a hole and pushed the pen through. It a good size bowl and all I need is a screen to hold the bud.

I must say I did not think I would work at first but it did and it worked well. Got me to a new high that I hadn't hit for some time since I was sort of on a plateau of smoking.

I will try and post pics of it if I get the time. The mother of ingenuity is necessity.


Well-Known Member
what i do is this: take a long piece of poop, shape it into a bowl, let it hardened, and whaa laa..smoke all day


Well-Known Member
well if u burn the foil b4 hand then the chemicals get realesed into the air then those chemicals are gone from the foil so its safe.. i guess?
no, cause the chemicals don't disappear that fast. they're in the entirety of the metal all the way through. i know, sounds like a good idea, but it doesn't really help.


Well-Known Member
Got a knife? whittle one... :-)
I've tried, but whittling a bowl...i could never figure out how to make that shape, no one would tell me. (huh. maybe they thought i was smoking, that's why...i dunno though, it was before i started and i just wanted to make one of those things with the ball, string, and cup. but the cup part is hard..)

If you know how please tell me :mrgreen:


Active Member
are the small circular screens/fliters that you can get from your local hemp shop bad for your lungs aswell seeing as they are metal i believe.


Well-Known Member
Nah, i trust a smoke shop. it just depends on the metal, like anything else. i'm just saying that since i don't know anything about metals, i just steer clear of them. but i trust a smoke shop to know the difference.


Well-Known Member
are the small circular screens/fliters that you can get from your local hemp shop bad for your lungs aswell seeing as they are metal i believe.
Always "burn in" metal screens. Use a pair of tweezers and a lighter to heat the screen until its red hot, flip it and burn it again. Let it cool and then use the screen.