You're Fired! Sale

The pedophile has been voted out.
Believe what you want to believe ... There is more than enough evidence to support my claim. If you want to refuse to look at it because it goes against your political views then that's a sorrow loss for your progressiveness
Where is mysunnyboy when you need her? Her detectives skills are amazing :blsmoke:

DIY........................get crackin' and find out who this Mirror guy is. 22elar anyone? My first guess :eyesmoke:
These threads are nothing more to inflate the egos of Liberals and further cause divide between views.
123,000 new cases of coronavirus every day for the last seven days.

Leave it to a Republican to deflect and talk about other people's ego. As if Trump's ego isn't enough for them. lulz.
Believe what you want to believe ... There is more than enough evidence to support my claim. If you want to refuse to look at it because it goes against your political views then that's a sorrow loss for your progressiveness

Lets say it's true, after all he's been claiming it for 4 years.

He just forgot to prepare for it, (you know to fight in-justice.)
Oh look it is a troll pushing Trump's favorite bullshit.
Believe what you want to believe ... There is more than enough evidence to support my claim. If you want to refuse to look at it because it goes against your political views then that's a sorrow loss for your progressiveness
No there isn't, you have a handful of creepy looking pictures of a adult male who has taken thousands of pictures with families after boring ass speeches when their kids are all tired, fidgety, and ready to go home. That is not proof of the vile crimes you are pretending you have.

Are you an American? And if so are you ok with the Russian military attacking our citizens?
Are you spamming this youtube video of a proven liar trying to stir up shit for Dear Leader now?

Are you an American, and are you ok with the Russian attack on our citizens?
As much as the left spams the forums with their attacks? I think not and it's a pity that there is no conservatives representatives willing to speak up.
You would lose too if all the dead americans voted against you

'they're republi

can- maybe i shouldn't say anything' -Rudy Giuliani


the dude in the fedora is Satan (who surprisingly resembles Kevin Costner) and when he comes to collect this pic is what he's going use to prove to Trump the deal was made, as they're dragging his ass to hell.
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