You're Not Horny, But Your Partner Is, What Do You Do?


put on some good music and try cuddling... that usually leads to some sexy touching.... If that doesn't work put on some hot porn! good luck! :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
LOL! Smoke some weed. Always gets me in the mood!
If the roles should be reversed... I would try and coerce her into smoking some too!
But thats just me :s
No friend thats not just u, Im in the same boat with u, good weed always does the trick for me


Well-Known Member
When she wants sex and I'm lazy she usually seduces me and then i bang her. When I want sex and she doesn't, is a scenario I'm not familiar with. My girl loves the dick. But in your case I would say "well how bout I go down on you after?" Compromise is an important part of any relationship.


Active Member
pamper that ass and the legs come open! or cuddle and then massage and use a "stimulating lube" on her nips and areas once the tingleing sets in your good to go


Well-Known Member
give it to her anyways, at least i do. If i dont, thats a surefire way to be shot down next time i want a little sumthin sumthin and she is 'tired' or wants to 'watch a movie'.
If she ever asks for it, Ill do it for my girl (when ive got one ha) even when im tired or not feeling it etc but ive found that most girls are more selfish about it and turn me down for whatever reason, usually it is the first sign things are not headed in a good direction


Active Member
Theres alot of good ideas here lol i personally like the blowing a load in her hair/ear while shes asleep, and if shes in the mood tie her down to the bed and go out for a beer thats pretty sweet to lol

I personally just start talkin about her friends and which 1 i think has the nicest ass or which would be the better lay or give the best head,, seems like the whole jelousy factor works well. It did backfire the first time i tried it tho lol thats why i like the beat it in here hair idea that really does make her re think that situation.


Well-Known Member
My wife never turns me down....I know it is like yeah ok there Canuck keep dreaming right smoke another one dude it will be alright.....But it is for real not for fake.....She is never very far from horny and it takes very little for me to get her to horny really quikly......which can be a curse but also can be lots of fun......Its a curse because I am the one turning her down at times and it is fun for obvious reasons....But with a twist...i'm a bit of a bugger and tend to pull my move when we are in a store or restaurant so she has to wait until later when we can be alone to ummm get r done. Driver her nuts....but in a good way.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
If she is horny, and i'm not, i'll fuck her anyway. I love her. Once she starts playing with it, i turn from un-horny, to horny, pretty quickly.

If i'm horny, and she is not, i usually try to get her in the mood. Compliments, light touches, kiss her ear, etc. Licking her pussy usually puts her in the mood.

If she is still not in the mood, i just wait for her to go to sleep and rub one out on her face, haha!!


Well-Known Member
well... if she is horny, and im not, i get horny quick and do her.

if im horny, and she isnt, i do her anyways
Check me out. When me and my lady do the deed we GET DOWN!! Sometimes, there's a camera, shes cool with it, I'm cool with it, fugg it!! Lets make a porno!! When shes has them days where she doesn't want any, I man up and tell her, "that's cool, I'm gonna go rubb one out to that flick we made last Tuesday...." her response has always been since day one, "ok." Am I lucky? Or am I smart? Shit, I don't know but it worked. Mind you though she's just ''a girl'' this is ''MY WIFE''!! I think she likes the fact that, A - I'm open and honest about it, B - She KNOWS I'm not looking at anything or anyone else and that I CAN get off to watching HER, ANYTIME!! Yo, that's just how I roll!! But, if your wife, girlfriend, hoe, shortie, sugar mamma, mistress, main bitch, bottom bitch, quick trick, floozie, broad, lover, he, she, ......heshe.....or shehe.......stops putting out consistently. You got problems and might want to call 'Cheaters'. And if you have kids, I don't know, maybe 'Maury' is for you. Lol, bless!!


Active Member
Check me out. When me and my lady do the deed we GET DOWN!! Sometimes, there's a camera, shes cool with it, I'm cool with it, fugg it!! Lets make a porno!! When shes has them days where she doesn't want any, I man up and tell her, "that's cool, I'm gonna go rubb one out to that flick we made last Tuesday...." her response has always been since day one, "ok." Am I lucky? Or am I smart? Shit, I don't know but it worked. Mind you though she's just ''a girl'' this is ''MY WIFE''!! I think she likes the fact that, A - I'm open and honest about it, B - She KNOWS I'm not looking at anything or anyone else and that I CAN get off to watching HER, ANYTIME!! Yo, that's just how I roll!! But, if your wife, girlfriend, hoe, shortie, sugar mamma, mistress, main bitch, bottom bitch, quick trick, floozie, broad, lover, he, she, ......heshe.....or shehe.......stops putting out consistently. You got problems and might want to call 'Cheaters'. And if you have kids, I don't know, maybe 'Maury' is for you. Lol, bless!!

HA HA HA Now that is a great answer! LOL


Well-Known Member
luckily for me my girl is always in the mood, even when im not. usually what gets me outta it is stomach pains, this is a rarity. its times like if she comes home way early and i just rubbed one out 15min ago, sorry...shouldve been was awsome!