YouTube closing cannabis other platforms ?

I watch a fair amount of yt vids in a lot of areas; gardening, cannabis, beekeeping, fishing, repairs, etc. I've never been tempted to produce anything however.

You quickly figure out that on the monetized channels a lot of the "experts" are just producing entertainment.; they wrap their family, faith, and possessions around what they are trying to deliver in an effort to gain followers and views - they usually don't teach you much. They are celebrities in their own minds and are convinced only they know whats right.

There could be an entire category of pretty young woman in their first year doing something that are trying to come off as experts (I don't mind pretty young things, but I prefer smart and skilled if its not porn). There is another category of hucksters who are clearly reviewing a product glowingly because some vendor gave them some free gear.

Hidden in all that hype and sizzle are a few gems. There are channels that always provide useful and timely info without a lot of attitude not related to their content (passion good, bullshit bad).

The cannabis channels have taken a beating though. People who were making decent side money producing good content now essentially work for free and many have decided to leave yt. Those that are left are either selling something or are just into the community (JJ Kitchen comes to mind - he does have a side business he promotes but for the most part his show is just psychotherapy for him).
I watch a fair amount of yt vids in a lot of areas; gardening, cannabis, beekeeping, fishing, repairs, etc. I've never been tempted to produce anything however.

You quickly figure out that on the monetized channels a lot of the "experts" are just producing entertainment.; they wrap their family, faith, and possessions around what they are trying to deliver in an effort to gain followers and views - they usually don't teach you much. They are celebrities in their own minds and are convinced only they know whats right.

There could be an entire category of pretty young woman in their first year doing something that are trying to come off as experts (I don't mind pretty young things, but I prefer smart and skilled if its not porn). There is another category of hucksters who are clearly reviewing a product glowingly because some vendor gave them some free gear.

Hidden in all that hype and sizzle are a few gems. There are channels that always provide useful and timely info without a lot of attitude not related to their content (passion good, bullshit bad).

The cannabis channels have taken a beating though. People who were making decent side money producing good content now essentially work for free and many have decided to leave yt. Those that are left are either selling something or are just into the community (JJ Kitchen comes to mind - he does have a side business he promotes but for the most part his show is just psychotherapy for him).
Couldn't agree more mate, well said.
I'm too aggro to put it so politely lol.
I watch a fair amount of yt vids in a lot of areas; gardening, cannabis, beekeeping, fishing, repairs, etc. I've never been tempted to produce anything however.

You quickly figure out that on the monetized channels a lot of the "experts" are just producing entertainment.; they wrap their family, faith, and possessions around what they are trying to deliver in an effort to gain followers and views - they usually don't teach you much. They are celebrities in their own minds and are convinced only they know whats right.

There could be an entire category of pretty young woman in their first year doing something that are trying to come off as experts (I don't mind pretty young things, but I prefer smart and skilled if its not porn). There is another category of hucksters who are clearly reviewing a product glowingly because some vendor gave them some free gear.

Hidden in all that hype and sizzle are a few gems. There are channels that always provide useful and timely info without a lot of attitude not related to their content (passion good, bullshit bad).

The cannabis channels have taken a beating though. People who were making decent side money producing good content now essentially work for free and many have decided to leave yt. Those that are left are either selling something or are just into the community (JJ Kitchen comes to mind - he does have a side business he promotes but for the most part his show is just psychotherapy for him).

I do watch video's on youtube but not anything cannabis specific. I do watch gardening content that is put out by people with actual knowledge not some kid growing some raspy plants. Lots of good stuff about DIY SIP planters, information on topics such as air layering, and many other topics not cannabis specific but could be applied to growing cannabis. I just refuse to be polluted by cannabis specific video's that are mostly infomercials pushing products or are made by some not very good grower that feels the need to make their own youtube channel.

And youtube is where I learned how to break down a side of beef. But the video's I watch are put out by farmers, Master Gardeners, actual butchers, etc... And the cooking video's. I watch many of those as well. Chinese Chef's demonstrating how to make authentic dishes, Japanese noodle masters showing how to make ramen noodles, etc...

I have never learned anything from watching a youtube cannabis video.
I do watch video's on youtube but not anything cannabis specific. I do watch gardening content that is put out by people with actual knowledge not some kid growing some raspy plants. Lots of good stuff about DIY SIP planters, information on topics such as air layering, and many other topics not cannabis specific but could be applied to growing cannabis. I just refuse to be polluted by cannabis specific video's that are mostly infomercials pushing products or are made by some not very good grower that feels the need to make their own youtube channel.

And youtube is where I learned how to break down a side of beef. But the video's I watch are put out by farmers, Master Gardeners, actual butchers, etc... And the cooking video's. I watch many of those as well. Chinese Chef's demonstrating how to make authentic dishes, Japanese noodle masters showing how to make ramen noodles, etc...

I have never learned anything from watching a youtube cannabis video.

There were a few good channels several years ago, but most are gone now. The weed nerd was always entertaining, and he occasionally dropped some nuggets. Some of the grow tube shows had some good discussions. If you are just starting out, there is some good basic info out there but it has become too much work to sift through it. I haven't deleted any channels, but don't watch many.
Here's one of the guys awesome grows. We should all strive to replicate this. The fact that anyone would pay any attention to this hack defies logic.

Needs more calmag
I have watched a lot of bruce bugbee, Im not experienced but get the feeling he isnt a hack and has a lot of good info.
I watch a fair amount of yt vids in a lot of areas; gardening, cannabis, beekeeping, fishing, repairs, etc. I've never been tempted to produce anything however.

You quickly figure out that on the monetized channels a lot of the "experts" are just producing entertainment.; they wrap their family, faith, and possessions around what they are trying to deliver in an effort to gain followers and views - they usually don't teach you much. They are celebrities in their own minds and are convinced only they know whats right.

There could be an entire category of pretty young woman in their first year doing something that are trying to come off as experts (I don't mind pretty young things, but I prefer smart and skilled if its not porn). There is another category of hucksters who are clearly reviewing a product glowingly because some vendor gave them some free gear.

Hidden in all that hype and sizzle are a few gems. There are channels that always provide useful and timely info without a lot of attitude not related to their content (passion good, bullshit bad).

The cannabis channels have taken a beating though. People who were making decent side money producing good content now essentially work for free and many have decided to leave yt. Those that are left are either selling something or are just into the community (JJ Kitchen comes to mind - he does have a side business he promotes but for the most part his show is just psychotherapy for him).
Well said. It's bizarre that seemingly most people don't recognize this within minutes of a video starting. It's so obvious. It's hilarious and nauseating at the same time.

It's too bad there isn't/wasn't somewhere for the 'gems' to transition to seamlessly.
I'm subscribed to a few weed growing channels. They still seem to be active but really hope yt not gonna start removing them! I get shit load of growing info on yt! So really hope the bastards don't ruin it!
Bugbee is the shit. Very few university level cannabis, or even hemp ag programs in the US. When you find one that’s willing to teach u for free, you should listen. Especially when NASA pays them to grow food in space. And of course he happens to b the president of the US company that makes n sells the best environmental sensors available.
They have scrubbed content .... although they post grows that show “ what not to do “ , i mostly watch for product reviews . Dry vapes , gravity bongs , portable devices ... shit like that.

For example: The Dab Spot . She is always entertaining smoking , hot boxing , getting high during product reviews. A shitload of her vids are now gone , she mentioned that any future vids ( if sny ) will have to not have cannabis as the “ main “ subject of vid , so she has to do stupid skincare vids with “ cannabis product “ weaved into the vid so their bots dont zero in on it from the start.

Even those old bomb prank vids have all but disappeared too. And i love watch Gilstrap / Sons of Arkham fart vids , which those had to “ re-upload “ some old vids because they got flagged.

Youtube pretty much sucks anyway.