youtube vid posted apr17 John Conroy

I watched it.....Bless that man ! He is so eloquent in how he puts things even when he's having a bit of fun at the same time.
It was a pleasure to meet him last year at the Treating Yourself Expo in Toronto.

Remember.....VOTE JUSTINE......Tell your friends

Let finally get rid of Adolph Harper.
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no problem just looking around on the net, you really believe voting for any govt will actually change things..... we the ppl have to change it by complaining. Govt has shown time and time again that they have no issues breaking promises, lib ndp cons are all they same when they get in power. look at down south the promises to nix the federal rules of marijuana in general that hasn't happened..... the states took the issue up on themselves and the federal govt can always squash it at anytime.
doesn't matter who's in power it's the ppl that can change it, organisation is the only way.
Summary of the video....
If your right to produce or carry gets challenged by the police.
Option 1:
1 Remain silent (it is your right, so use it).....
Option 2(Stick with option 1):
If you want to open your big mouth and lose the right to remain silent...
Have a medical document to show(Doctor suggesting medical marijuana).. Then your stance is that you were forced to choose between your health and your liberty and you chose your health. Don`t say anything else.....