Youve run out of blunts and papers and dont oown a bong or pipe


Well-Known Member
take about a .1 of a gram an sqish it btetween two red hot butter knifes and catch it with a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut out.

old school vaporizer


Active Member
Gravity bong with a small 8 to 10MM socket and a 2 littre soda bottle or hot knife with a bottle minus the bottom... I hate tin foil and beer can pipes!


Well-Known Member
grav is my shit. i used to hit the grav 12 times min before work. it was like a game. see how baked i could get and function at DD

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
wow that simple and i used 2 do plumbing as a summer job wen i was a kid so i wave all diifet kindfs of socxekts


Well-Known Member
i worked at DD like a year ago, unemployed since. i used to steal enough $$ from that place to get a 1/4 of hydro a day, not to mention tips. i miss the money, but thats it. dunkin is evil. and i quit, they never knew i stole a dime


Well-Known Member
best socket i ver seen was a 4/20ths. i know its not a right fraction, they would simplify it. but it made me laugh

purple blues

Active Member
you can achieve a grilled cheese sandwich with a brown paper bag and an iron.
allow iron to heat
place a slice of cheese between bread
place sandwich in paper bag
start ironing
flip over
iron some more
grilled cheese sandwich