I liked the movie alot,
but I think yous should do some reserch on string theory, quantum physics, and my favorite the law of atraction, or just watch the video what the bleep do we know, and the secret.
a part of me believes its bad to watch these movies and make such a big deal about it, for it could be a sneeky plan by the govt to get the general population prepaired for this, and make it happen faster!
any publicity is good publicity, any thought on this subject might just be making it more of a reality and more likely to dominate.
the government has been using the laws of atraction since its birth, this could just be a cleverly disguised way of getting us to think about this and therefore give power to their movment.
unless we really can get at least half the people we all know to listen to this film and do what it says, fighting or arguing about it may just make it a reality!