Zeitgeist: News, Politics, Pandemic and Trump

Markets Plunge as Trump Lies About Coronavirus Response: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Trump's lies about the coronavirus outbreak, showing what it’s like when a lifelong scam artist is in charge of responding to a public health crisis.
Read a first hand thread on twitter about the situation in Italy, it reads like a movie script. Hospitals completely overwhelmed and people dying in large numbers. Not nearly enough staff or equipment to handle the volume, staff exhausted and becoming ill too. Older people just left to die, no one responses when they get in trouble. They say this is a modern health care system and not some third world shithole.
Read a first hand thread on twitter about the situation in Italy, it reads like a movie script. Hospitals completely overwhelmed and people dying in large numbers. Not nearly enough staff or equipment to handle the volume, staff exhausted and becoming ill too. Older people just left to die, no one responses when they get in trouble. They say this is a modern health care system and not some third world shithole.

China bought us some time to prepare and Trump just went golfing while downplaying the threat. In a video-lecture by a Medical professor in Washington (that DIY posted), he went over the events thus far in other countries and points to South Korea as the best documented, best tested and best case scenario for the US. Any healthcare system would be swamped by an immediate surge in ICU patients. They were, Italy was. His guess is that by this time next year, about 70% of the world's population will have been exposed to the virus. It could die down this summer but will be back. The virus has jumped containment and all we can do now is try to slow it down to relieve stress on the medical system. Eventually, this fire will burn out.

If you are blessed with having your parents still with you, hold them close.
Donald will want a piece of the action and will hold up things until his supporters hand's have been greased, they will get critical contracts and completely fuck things up. Nothing is scared to Donald, even this, if there's money on the table, he'll want some channeled to his campaign using relief money, for sure. Probably the same thing happened with the test kits, which is why nobody has been thrown under the bus yet for that fiasco. If America needs a billion test kits or more and one of Donald's buddies gets the contract and makes a buck or two a test.... so what if it slows things down a bit, more test kits sold !
Schumer, other senators to ask Trump to issue national emergency declaration for coronavirus

Washington (CNN)Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other senators are preparing a letter that will ask President Donald Trump to issue an emergency declaration for the coronavirus pandemic.

An aide for Schumer told CNN Wednesday that the minority leader, along with Democratic Sens. Patty Murray of Washington and Gary Peters of Michigan, will call for the formal declaration, which would allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency to use more than $40 billion from the Disaster Relief Fund to assist local state government in their response to the coronavirus.
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Lock him up.....
They will, after January though, but maybe he'll fuck this up so bad, a fucking disaster will happen in America and Mitch will have had enough with senators dying like flies and impeach the stupid prick, some can even vote from their death beds..
Pox business said this is going to bring us all together like 911.....
All together, as into a fucking mob with torches looking for Donald's head. Wait for the disaster, panic and congressional oversight hearings in the midst of or after a shit storm in the country. Every fucking body will want answers then and everybody will be paying close attention by then too, as the disease ravages the country. This is one Donald is gonna pay for, bigly, the senate is ancient and shitting in its adult diapers.
Many younger people do not realise the impact that this coronavirus has on older people and those in poor health, if you're in your 60's or 70's you are mighty concerned. If you're older not only you yourself stand a much higher chance of death or hospitalisation, but your friends, family and generation. You fee especially vulnerable, most are voters who (or will be) the most pissed off about this whole coronavirus fiasco in America. Older voters vote and I'll bet many republican seniors are doing a double take on Trump and the GOP right about now or soon will be, this is gonna hurt Trump and the republicans like they were roasting in Hell. A good president like Obama would have shone brightly during a crisis like, this providing leadership and foresight, it never would have got to this point in America in the first place with a responsible adult in charge.
Read that the average age of ICU patients in Italy is 65 and if you end up on a ventilator you only have a 50/50 chance of living.
Read that the average age of ICU patients in Italy is 65 and if you end up on a ventilator you only have a 50/50 chance of living.
Remember what I posted about vitamin D and if you're desperate and sick take zinc and the antimalarial medication chloroquine I mentioned in another thread. It could help and if ya don't have any medical reasons not to, they using it in China without the zinc I think. It's cheap and available with a perscription or probably without one online and zinc supplements are easy to find. Check the medical videos I posted for more info, not too much evidence, but good conjecture and empirical science will tell the tale until a proper study is done. Lot's of potential up sides with vitamin D supplementation and this stuff, few downsides including costs, might make a difference too. It might also provide an emergency solution for poor people and countries or where the medical system is overloaded. It's easy to get and so is zinc, in the diet or by taking supplements.

Talk to your doctor about it and tell friends if you think its worth while.
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Read that the average age of ICU patients in Italy is 65 and if you end up on a ventilator you only have a 50/50 chance of living.
Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 34 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of https://www.MedCram.com All of Italy is now in a lockdown state. The United States is experiencing a growing number of new daily cases of COVID-19 and testing remains limited in many parts of the country. Dr. Seheult illustrates compelling articles about the possible efficacy of chloroquine in the treatment of coronavirus infections and its role in aiding cellular zinc absorption.
I already take vitamin D along with echinacea and a few other things, going to add a couple things if I can find them in stock.
I already take vitamin D along with echinacea and a few other things, going to add a couple things if I can find them in stock.
If ya can, email the video to your doctor and ask him what he thinks, there's also links to the research in the youtube description.

The 10 Best Foods That Are High in Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that's essential for good health.
It’s required for the functions of over 300 enzymes and involved in many important processes in your body (1Trusted Source).
It metabolizes nutrients, maintains your immune system and grows and repairs body tissues.
Your body doesn’t store zinc, so you need to eat enough every day to ensure you’re meeting your daily requirements (2Trusted Source).
It’s recommended that men eat 11 mg of zinc per day, while women need 8 mg. However, if you’re pregnant, you’ll need 11 mg per day, and if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need 12 mg.
Some people are at risk of a zinc deficiency, including young children, teenagers, the elderly and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (3Trusted Source).
However, eating a healthy balanced diet that includes zinc-rich foods should satisfy everyone’s needs.
Here are 10 of the best foods that are high zinc.