• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
The whole first section of Zeitgeist is total fiction, right from the statements in the opening screen. Not one of the supposed connections between Horus, Jesus, Krishna and Buddha exist, not a single one. Even the writer that the makers of the film used for reference (D. Murdoch/Archarya S.) has said that she doesn't agree with the film or its conclusions. It's a joke that anybody with ten minutes to spare can discover is a con.

Zeitgeist 2 is ten times worse, and not worth wading through.

I agree, all that is completely false. The entire movie is too "radical" for lack of a better word. It trys to hard and ends up messing up its own message by becoming so one sided.


Active Member
if anyone likes rap listen to the cause of death by immortal technique...and bin laden by immortal technique also. he explains this with a beat and some lyrics...somewhat


Well-Known Member
in the movie they discuss global panic being organised, does this free dvd not induce panic? just a thought


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about NWO or anything like that...The galactic alignment in 2012 might be something to worry about tho...If only I had a telescope.....


Well-Known Member
I've seen both zeitgeist and its pretty interesting. I've also read Acharya S.' The Christ Conspiracy which is pretty well in line with what Zeitgeist producers are suggesting about religion: That is that many religions are VERY similar despite being developed relatively independently because they are built from the stories initially intended to describe the movement of the sun, planets, and stars.

As far as 911 and the monetary system goes... It's doesn't appear to be not far off either. I dont think that EVERYONE in the government is in plotting against the public. But it only takes a handful of people high up to make orchestrate 9/11 paying or simply delegating to the people below well... and then having well enough control of the public relations after the fact... its kinda of extreme but not too far fetched base on historic behavior of nations...eh?

And of course we are in a monetary slave system which developed from the remnants of an actual slave system less than 100 years ago...

I dont know that there is much to debate about the film other than what the proper solution is... Changing the system to non monetary society(venus project) or an outright uprising to turn the balance of power...

Did you know that when nearly 50% of peoples homes were foreclosed on during the great depression that people literally disarmed sherrifs at some foreclosure auctions and forced the sherriff and the bankers to get on their knees and kiss the american flag? They would deliberately keep the bids to under $1 And even hang nooses above the auction block to discourage outsiders from coming in and taking their neighbors farms...

I think we are in a different place than they are. And if we allow government and business power to continue to use our own power against us American society and those we influence abroad are headed to a very negative place. I don't think there is another way to encourage people to action but to show the urgency as Zeitgiest has. I for one am going to learn more about the Venus project. I just pray enough people can collaborate together to find a solution beyond the militant means nations and terrorists choose. Certainly panic is not the answer but i do believe there needs to be some immediate changes made. And its unlikely it's going to take place in government or business. It needs to be spearheaded by individuals likes us. So spend your money carefully and use your time in the most productive way you can. What other way is there?


Well-Known Member
Well I know that if I was running the group that was going to take over the world and enslave the masses and I had no problem killing 3000 people on 9/11, I wouldn't have any problem killing a group of college kids who were about to expose my plan.

Also if the NWO is so massive why are these videos online? I mean these guys are accused of running the world banking system, why not take them off the web?

I dont know, maybe killing them would just add more power to their movement?
I know I would say hey, you know the government killed that dude... why would they do that? must be true.
but if they leave him alone, people think it must be false?

come on! what do you do when people are talking shit about you thats true? I only kill 1 in every 6 or so people like that... and it usualy ends with people realizing that the person was speaking truff!


Well-Known Member
I think they pushed the 9/11 as an "inside job" too hard. There are crazy people that we pissed off in the past that did crazy things. The resultant media manipulation and hysteria that followed 9/11 was brought on by George Bush so he could accomplish a personal agenda . . . oil. I think the religion part is fine too, the primary purpose of the video was to ask for a shift in the way we think. From violence to compassion. Good message and in this time of turmoil in the word change is coming . . .


Well-Known Member
to say that 9/11 was not a setup is just ignorant. Anyone that says that is just ignoring the facts. These films do a very good job of explaining in detail what was going on.
I think that they are right on. This goes to show. I always say, I am not going to vote because it doesn't really matter and that all that stuff is just to keep the masses caught up in some drama and think that they make a difference. In the long run you are just a little piss ant. You have no pull whatsoever. Rich people are looking out for the intrest of themselves and other rich people. They are so rich you can't even really begain to imagine. They are setting their familys up for wealth 10 or 20 generations down the line. They have extreme power and are, of course, going to keep that power at whatever cost.

It is much deeper than most people can phathom. These movies are a good start to open peoples eyes.

I like the new one. It goes to show how fucked up our money system is, and how we just pull money out of thin air and at anytime the 'elite bankers' can just pull out all the money from under us because it belongs to them. then we are fucked.

I think it is a better idea to have material possessions than money after seeing these movies. If you own a gallon of gas you could put it in your car and drive around. If you have a 5 dollar bill, I don't think that will get your car started, ya digg?


Well-Known Member
I think they pushed the 9/11 as an "inside job" too hard. There are crazy people that we pissed off in the past that did crazy things. The resultant media manipulation and hysteria that followed 9/11 was brought on by George Bush so he could accomplish a personal agenda . . . oil. I think the religion part is fine too, the primary purpose of the video was to ask for a shift in the way we think. From violence to compassion. Good message and in this time of turmoil in the word change is coming . . .
Dude, if someone was coming into your house and fucking it up wouldn't your retaliate?


Well-Known Member
Dude, if someone was coming into your house and fucking it up wouldn't your retaliate?
That is different. Absolutely no WMD's have been found in Iraq. Sadaam did not harbor terrorists and suppressed religion and muslim extreamism in his own country. Sadaam Hussein never was a threat to the United States. He may have been a brutal dictator but you don't see us starting wars in Darfur (no oil there) to liberate any other oppressed people.

Afganistan was a scam too. The Taliban were a group of religious extremests supported by Pakistan and Iran. Two opposing interests. We remained neutral on the issue of women's rights under Taliban rule during the 90's in hopes that the Taliban would stabilize the region enough to allow US oil interests to take hold in Afganistan. Namely an oil pipeline that would bypass Iran. After we invaded Afganistan in 2001 we have allowed an already unstable area to destabilize further. Now in all the chaos Afganistan supplys 90% of the worlds Opium used in the manufacture of Herion. The result has been the cheapest Herion ever in US cities. Regions surrounding Afganistan are experiencing record addiction rates, Pakistan reported that 80% of its import taxes are not paid due to the network of illegal opium smugglers.

So what has the "War on Terror" accomplished?

1. The invasion of one of the few countries in the Middle East that does not allow US drilling companies.

2. Massive government spending on a war for oil

3. Millions of Iraqi lives lost, people living without running water, people living in fear with car bombs, shootings, military presence, ect.

4. Further destabilization of emerging countries, through continued warfare and proliferation of the illegal drug trade.

5. MORE AMERICANS DEAD!! These are children, I went into Walter Reid hospital and saw guys only 18 and 19 years old. They were amputees, or burned, or crippled by their injuries for the rest of their lives.

So what is the true cost here?
All we need is a small shift in the way we think and the whole world will change . . . .


Well-Known Member
you forgot to mentions the DU spread all over their and jello babies and such. america is the terrorist
No the terrorist is in our minds . . . we are a sick people living in a sick society. Something must change at a basic level.


Well-Known Member
yea the 9-11 thing is a bit ehhh.
they make alot of good points about it, but their is just no way to know, I figure in 50 years we will know, thats when they have to declassify all their secret shit! incidentaly, thats also around the time everyone stops caring.

a few things make me think the 9/11 thing is possible, the fact that no building ever collapsed because of fire, terrorists can never get things done right, they were having a test that daay, for the exact same situation, these plains flew over 20 minutes backwards, while the airforce usualy intercepts things like this within 5 minutes.
also also medal floating around under ground zero for over a week.
and thermate residue! thermite is crazy shit, I dont know if you ever had some or used it, but it burns through everything and anything, (and its easy to make!) and leaves a real distinct ash, that all of NYC was covered in for over a week, my yard had over a quarter inch of this shit everywear!
also building 7, how the fuck would that happen? watch a video of building 7 falling, its freefall speed, collapsed over 5 hours after the other buildings, and only had a fire on 2 floors.
YouTube - Bin Laden "Confession" Video
come on!!! thats not osama!!! thats some fatt short guy that looks alittle bit like him, but I guess all muslims with tricollerd berads look the same.

but on another note, their are lots of pissed off islamic people because of what we, and britan did in the middle east, and especialy pissed that we favored the jews in our trades, and treaties. yet this wasn't mentioned in the 9/11 report :/


Well-Known Member
That is different. Absolutely no WMD's have been found in Iraq. Sadaam did not harbor terrorists and suppressed religion and muslim extreamism in his own country. Sadaam Hussein never was a threat to the United States. He may have been a brutal dictator but you don't see us starting wars in Darfur (no oil there) to liberate any other oppressed people.

Afganistan was a scam too. The Taliban were a group of religious extremests supported by Pakistan and Iran. Two opposing interests. We remained neutral on the issue of women's rights under Taliban rule during the 90's in hopes that the Taliban would stabilize the region enough to allow US oil interests to take hold in Afganistan. Namely an oil pipeline that would bypass Iran. After we invaded Afganistan in 2001 we have allowed an already unstable area to destabilize further. Now in all the chaos Afganistan supplys 90% of the worlds Opium used in the manufacture of Herion. The result has been the cheapest Herion ever in US cities. Regions surrounding Afganistan are experiencing record addiction rates, Pakistan reported that 80% of its import taxes are not paid due to the network of illegal opium smugglers.

So what has the "War on Terror" accomplished?

1. The invasion of one of the few countries in the Middle East that does not allow US drilling companies.

2. Massive government spending on a war for oil

3. Millions of Iraqi lives lost, people living without running water, people living in fear with car bombs, shootings, military presence, ect.

4. Further destabilization of emerging countries, through continued warfare and proliferation of the illegal drug trade.

5. MORE AMERICANS DEAD!! These are children, I went into Walter Reid hospital and saw guys only 18 and 19 years old. They were amputees, or burned, or crippled by their injuries for the rest of their lives.

So what is the true cost here?
All we need is a small shift in the way we think and the whole world will change . . . .

dont forget, before our invasion, they exported (edited) 5ish% :P of the world opium. from 0% to 90% in a few years is fucking nuts!!!
the war on terror has done alot of things that the govt has been wanting to do for quite some time.
the patriot act has now been renewed, and is never going to go away, this on its own, is a huge deal!!! it takes away the checks and ballances of the federal government, phone taps, can now be cunducted under "good faith" or some bs like that. all of your personal records can be taken, and reviewd for no reason at all. and thats just the begining, I strongly sugest reading the patriot act, and the renewed patriot act. its a terrible, unpatriotic act, that violates the constitution!

big buisness' have made a killing on this war, that is all that matters.

The only reason we went after sadam was because he wouldn't cooperate with us, we tried to "corrupt" him many many times, into doing business with us, but he refused, a decision that cost him his life.


Well-Known Member
dont forget, before our invasion, they exported 0% of the world opium. from 0% to 90% in a few years is fucking nuts!!!
the war on terror has done alot of things that the govt has been wanting to do for quite some time.
the patriot act has now been renewed, and is never going to go away, this on its own, is a huge deal!!! it takes away the checks and ballances of the federal government, phone taps, can now be cunducted under "good faith" or some bs like that. all of your personal records can be taken, and reviewd for no reason at all. and thats just the begining, I strongly sugest reading the patriot act, and the renewed patriot act. its a terrible, unpatriotic act, that violates the constitution!
No they exported 6% then the Taliban came and they exported 2-4%. And then the US came and they export 90%:lol:
The Taliban are a brutal religious extremest group who have been corrupted by the enormous amount of drug money coming from the Opium trade.:fire:
Bin Laden is a Saudi extremest. The Taliban harbored Bin Laden because they had a common enemy. The enemy was the US threatening to take over a lucrative opium trade, free from the hands of international trade laws, embargos, ect. Now the US invades and we are proud owners of a monopoly Opium trade that can be used to completely destabilize the remaining oil rich countries in the middle east. And they said drugs are illegal:lol: Well only when the US can't get its hands on some . . . then we bomb the shit out of you.