

Active Member
zeitgeistmovie.com I believe everyone should take time out of their day to watch this video...if you dont, I It is worth it, but you must keep an open mind. I've seen people refuse to watch it because they are too fragile (too religious).
lol I think I posted this exact thread word for word exactly 3 months ago... nice to know im not the only crazy one here ;)
lol I think I posted this exact thread word for word exactly 3 months ago... nice to know im not the only crazy one here ;)
word..didnt mean to copy your post haha but i never saw it..there are always new people on here anyhow, and they need the oppourtunity to see it too..it really is an important thing for someone to experience, especially if theyve never thought through the lies
I tried to watch it once, I was curious. It bored me to death within the first 5 minutes and I gave up. I don't see how anyone can sit through that crap.
I tried to watch it once, I was curious. It bored me to death within the first 5 minutes and I gave up. I don't see how anyone can sit through that crap.

well u cant really judge it if u only watched 5 min of it... sry...
i thought it was pretty good up until the end.. were its tht dudes opinion..
tht was kinda out there
I can certainly judge the part that I saw and I can pretty much guess that if the first 5 minutes is crap the rest of it will be crap as well.
Its all pretty nutty - but merits in the theory on War and why. And your not any wiser for watching thats for sure..... But its intresting to understand someone else..... as educated as a 24yr kid could be. Hes a STONER thats for sure, to much LSD in his early years.

But common sense dose say that USA is in the middle east for one reason....OIL.... And further more his theory that the american people need to be convinced to allow WAR to happen...........is something to think about.....
Whats more........
The american GOV have been at war or within a civil action since 1953 or something....... everyday at war...... Why........ $$$$$$$$$$$$$... it brings enormous amounts of money to CORPRATE america... there economy... jobs etc...... They usually supply both sides of dispute and profit from it.
Personally I could give less of a shit about the second half of the video because I've lost most of what little hope there is to hold for humanity as a whole. The way government is contructed doesn't help.

..I just think that it is important that people do not subject themselves to biased information given to them about religion therefore hindering their ability to develop an interperetation for themselves..

That, at least to me, is the most important message in the video, and what I was referring to when I originally posted..
Personally I could give less of a shit about the second half of the video because I've lost most of what little hope there is to hold for humanity as a whole. The way government is contructed doesn't help.

..I just think that it is important that people do not subject themselves to biased information given to them about religion therefore hindering their ability to develop an interperetation for themselves..

HUmanity in this respect.... I think is driven by Government... as well as builds boundrys for religion.

I think your 100% on the nose...... In some parts of the world they have no choice though and to some extremest that is all they know. It not right, I think a society of mixed values produce better rounded people, opinions, world veiws, value for life and respect for others.

So my view is more on a GOV and CORPrate side, I think the religion is a way of adaption to the cosiquence of Gov and there decisions.
If you like zeitgeist, check out end game but alex jones....its the same guy that did zeitgeist. you will go crazy....trust me...cheers to big boobs and fat doobs...
As well, to those that thought the fisrt part was shit.....YOUR ALL FUCKED....wathc the dam movie and listen like ACTUALLY LISTEN to what the guy says...its a prediction from WAY WAY WAY back in the day by someone who was thought of as an idiot and basically was exiled because f his thoughts....its ignorance that is the key for the global rulers...marijuana is the thing they hold back from us because it frees your mind, opens your eyes to common misconceptions, its sad to see that somepoeple still dont get the real reason for herb and just use it to look cool to their friends...my suggestion....open your eyes and realize what is happening right infront of your eyes but they are telling you its someting harmless.........JAH live....rastafari......
Zeitgeist Addendum is a great watch as well.

The first part of the first Zeitgeist was a direct attack towards christianity and that can clue you in on why some people couldn't make it into the rest of the movie.

Sheeple herded by the bible.