Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, madazz. Wow thanks for stopping by. If i had known you'd be by so soon i would have cleaned up a bit.LOL. but anyways, are you serious????? $350 for an oz. i would definitely turn into a social smoker(that's when you only smoke weed when your friends have weed,LOL). i mean really, that's outrageous. why would people do such a thing. is there some sort of reason why it's that much, is the cost to grow that expensive down there? or are the retailers just buttholes that know they can jack up the price like that because they know someone will pay it. man that really pisses me off, here i was complaing about the $125 price tag here, and you guys(BUTTERS,and MADAZZ)are paying half of a rent payment.hey zen mate hows things?
your journal is looking good! those plants are gonna have some fat colas on them. doing a real good job, well done on the ballasts i'm always for saving coin!!
now u think 240 is dear i live in Australia tasmania , weed prices down here are absolutly off the show!!! u might pay 350 for a ounze. 180 for half is standard. 90-100 a q. this is all indoor hydro, nice but not anything really special.
keep up the good work!