ZeroTol 2.0 treatment on MaxiBloom removes coloring...


Well-Known Member
I mixed MaxiBloom into my reservoir, which I use to feed my plants over a 2-3 day period. I used Zerotol (Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide) to prevent the chances of root rot and anaerobic bacteria. The water had a normal pink color 12 hours ago, but now it is a yellowish-brown...

Did the coloring simply oxidize? My guess is OpenAi is correct:
Peroxyacetic acid (PAA) is a strong oxidizing agent, and it can oxidize many types of organic compounds, including colorants, in water. However, the specific effect on the color in water will depend on the concentration of PAA, the pH of the solution, and the type of colorant being used. It is recommended to test PAA on a sample of the water with colorant before using it in large scale.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is also a strong oxidizing agent, and it can oxidize many types of organic compounds, including colorants, in water. The specific effect on the color in water will depend on the concentration of H2O2, the pH of the solution, and the type of colorant being used. However, hydrogen peroxide is less effective oxidizing agent than PAA. It is recommended to test H2O2 on a sample of the water with colorant before using it in large scale.

I used Zerotol 2.0 @ 1 ml/gal

Normal Color vs 12 hrs after Zerotol (h2o2 & CH₃CO₃H)
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