ZigZagZane's 09 SoCal outdoor medical grow w/PICS


Active Member
Hey Zane, guess what! My purple widow seeds just arrived this morning! Are your purple widows bred by De Sjamaan? Cos mine is and I just want to know if our strains are alike.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Hey Zane, guess what! My purple widow seeds just arrived this morning! Are your purple widows bred by De Sjamaan? Cos mine is and I just want to know if our strains are alike.
Yeah I just responded to your thread! Im glad you got your seeds safely! anyways Im not sure who the breeders are of my purple widow...the site I order from(marijuana-seeds.nl) supposedly gets a bunch of different strains from top dutch breeders in bulk...so it doesnt say an exact breeder company...anyways good luck:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lookin good Zig! really blowin up now! its supposed to hit 97 saturday and sunday here up north. gonna have to start watering every other day they'll be drinking so much. how often you been watering?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
how tall is that one in your profile pic i bet its way past your waste now
Are you talkin about the biggest one or the hollands hope in the middle of the three? aither way lol they're all past my waste! the ones in holes grow way faster than the pots...the biggest one is approximatley 5 feet..
lookin good Zig! really blowin up now! its supposed to hit 97 saturday and sunday here up north. gonna have to start watering every other day they'll be drinking so much. how often you been watering?
Thanks B! its funny you mentioned the watering thing lol my girls have already been needing A LOT more water, specially the ones in pots...im watering every three days now.. but like you said bro, soon it might even be every day! yeah im excited to see them grow faster...I want these damn plants in the pots to show sex! so then I can put them all in the ground...i worry those black pots get too hot and fry my roots...


Well-Known Member
Are you talkin about the biggest one or the hollands hope in the middle of the three? aither way lol they're all past my waste! the ones in holes grow way faster than the pots...the biggest one is approximatley 5 feet..
Thanks B! its funny you mentioned the watering thing lol my girls have already been needing A LOT more water, specially the ones in pots...im watering every three days now.. but like you said bro, soon it might even be every day! yeah im excited to see them grow faster...I want these damn plants in the pots to show sex! so then I can put them all in the ground...i worry those black pots get too hot and fry my roots...
yea dude I feel ya. do you have a indoor setup? you don't even really need one actually, but you could take a clone of the plants in pots and then force flower the clones indoor or out but then that'd determine sex for you a little sooner you know

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yea dude I feel ya. do you have a indoor setup? you don't even really need one actually, but you could take a clone of the plants in pots and then force flower the clones indoor or out but then that'd determine sex for you a little sooner you know
yeah I have a sketchy indoor set up w/flouros...im waiting till i have some extra cash in my pocket to buy a mh/hps system...after harvest I can lol but yeah im definitly gonna take clones...especially from the hollands hope..Im gonna do a winter outdoor grow with the HH clones...cuz it supposedly does great in cold climates...


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a sketchy indoor set up w/flouros...im waiting till i have some extra cash in my pocket to buy a mh/hps system...after harvest I can lol but yeah im definitly gonna take clones...especially from the hollands hope..Im gonna do a winter outdoor grow with the HH clones...cuz it supposedly does great in cold climates...
outdoor winter crop? I'd love to see that. whats the season months for winter outdoor?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
outdoor winter crop? I'd love to see that. whats the season months for winter outdoor?
yeah Ive done it before...its difficult though, and the finished product is never as good smoke as the harvest from the normal season...in terms of the months I actually just wing it...lol just so we're clear I dont go all out on these winter crops..haha I just throw germinated beans or clones in pots...no fancy stuff...Im gonna start the winter one as Im finishing the normal season..in like october..and then the plants usually get about a foot or 2 before they start to flower...and it has to be a fast finishing strain...cuz you have to harvest it before the days get real long and it revegges....its confusing cuz during those winter months...the sun is never out more than like 10-11 hours...