zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
Whatever happen to Pepper Spray and Tasers? I thought the Taser was a good idea especially for women and men like Zimmerman that can't fight and need a little protection from children

I carry Pepper Spray in my car. And I have brandished it. "I am about to hose you! Let go of my car door!"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to throw this out there for comment as well. This is a PROSECUTION witness.

Which one of them had injuries other than a gunshot? According to her, the person screaming was the person being injured. And she's talking about before the gunshot. I think I've seen several people make it clear that Martin had ZERO injuries other than the gunshot. Just thought it was worthy of some discussion.
I doubt there will ever be an answer to the question of "who was screaming" that satisfies the "Zimmerman must burn camp", but it stands to reason that the screamer was the guy getting beaten. After all, why would the guy not getting beaten scream for help? The next question to be answered, from the circumstantial evidence, is "who was getting beaten?". From the physical evidence the only rational answer is, Zimmerman, because he is the only one with any injuries. Add to that very reasonable analysis the testimony of the only eye witness (so far) to the actual fight, John Goode, who said, "Zimmerman was on the bottom and Martin was on top, and Martin was punching Zimmerman, and Zimmerman was screaming for help". There really is only one reasonable conclusion: Zimmerman was being beaten and was screaming for help.

The only real question before the jury is this: Did Zimmerman reasonably fear great bodily harm, or death in this scenario? If the answer to that question is yes, then this is a plain vanilla exercise of lawful self defense. The question of murder 2 is preposterous based on the evidence so far.

Having said all of that, I still think it will be a hung jury. This jury is under too much pressure to convict Zimmerman despite the evidence. Those six ladies on the jury still have to live in Seminole county. With Sharpton threatening the sort of civil unrest that he stirred up in Brighton Beach and his Tawana Brawley lies, and with all the other race hustlers getting a piece of the action, I think it is inconceivable that at least one of the jurors won't be intimidated.

Adding to this analysis, look at the commenters here at RIU who refuse to be swayed by the evidence and insist that Zimmerman must be punished. If they are representative of the average jury pool then it wouldn't matter if the jury had a front row seat to the whole incident with instant playback, their answer is going to be "Zimmerman scraped his head on a tree, and he had no right to ask Martin what he was doing in the neighborhood, and he should have taken his beating like a man, and his head was barely scratched, so lock him up!!!"

Of course, the trial is not over yet and the prosecution might have evidence that we have not yet seen that would convince a reasonable person that Zimmerman is a murderer. If that happens, I am willing to change my mind.


Well-Known Member
On the trial’s fifth day, Good recounted being 15 to 20 feet away from the fight between Zimmerman and Martin. Although hecouldn’t make out the faces of the individuals on the ground, Good said he could make out the color of their clothes. In crucial testimony that buttresses the defense’s argument, Good said the person on top of the fight was wearing a black top like the black hoodie sweatshirt Martin was wearing that night, and the person on the bottom was wearing red. Zimmerman was wearing a similar color that night.

Once again, only Z had significant injuries. The only injuries M suffered were ones from punching Z.

If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling you, you have every right to shoot them.

So, two possibilites here...

1) Zimmerman is on the ground with M on top pounding him, he pulls gun and shoots.

2) M is on bottom, Z is pounding him and them pulls out gun and shoots him.

Only one of these makes sense.


Well-Known Member
On the trial’s fifth day, Good recounted being 15 to 20 feet away from the fight between Zimmerman and Martin. Although hecouldn’t make out the faces of the individuals on the ground, Good said he could make out the color of their clothes. In crucial testimony that buttresses the defense’s argument, Good said the person on top of the fight was wearing a black top like the black hoodie sweatshirt Martin was wearing that night, and the person on the bottom was wearing red. Zimmerman was wearing a similar color that night.

Once again, only Z had significant injuries. The only injuries M suffered were ones from punching Z.

If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling you, you have every right to shoot them.

So, two possibilites here...

1) Zimmerman is on the ground with M on top pounding him, he pulls gun and shoots.

2) M is on bottom, Z is pounding him and them pulls out gun and shoots him.

Only one of these makes sense.
If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling and its your fault for starting the fight pulling a gun is not justified. And that was not a pummeling


Well-Known Member
On the trial’s fifth day, Good recounted being 15 to 20 feet away from the fight between Zimmerman and Martin. Although hecouldn’t make out the faces of the individuals on the ground, Good said he could make out the color of their clothes. In crucial testimony that buttresses the defense’s argument, Good said the person on top of the fight was wearing a black top like the black hoodie sweatshirt Martin was wearing that night, and the person on the bottom was wearing red. Zimmerman was wearing a similar color that night.

Once again, only Z had significant injuries. The only injuries M suffered were ones from punching Z.

If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling you, you have every right to shoot them.

So, two possibilites here...

1) Zimmerman is on the ground with M on top pounding him, he pulls gun and shoots.

2) M is on bottom, Z is pounding him and them pulls out gun and shoots him.

Only one of these makes sense.
Apparently, you don't think like a RIU liberal. The obvious explanation is that John Good is a racist. A freaking global warming denying, hood wearing, confederate flag waving, racist prick. Who just happens to favor Latinos over blacks. Of course, there's the corroborating testimony from the female neighbor saying it was the guy on the bottom that was yelling and being hurt. Yup, she's a racist too. Glad we cleared that up.

I know I always Make sure the cops are called before and immediately after I commit a second degree murder.

Where are we so far?

Prosecution star witness - complete FAIL
Two other prosecution witnesses - back up Zimmerman's account

A few more prosecution witnesses and I might come off the fence. I think it's fair to say several hundred posts on the big thread just hit the shitter.


Well-Known Member
If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling and its your fault for starting the fight pulling a gun is not justified. And that was not a pummeling
Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. But, let's run with your fantasy. You would have to PROVE Zimmerman started the fight, not provoked it or conducted himself in a way that provoked it, but actually threw the first punch or initiated the actual PHYSICAL contact. Good luck with that since the ONLY person that could verify that is Zimmerman and I don't think he's gonna cop to that.

The eye witnesses disagree with your assessment of the pummeling.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. But, let's run with your fantasy. You would have to PROVE Zimmerman started the fight, not provoked it or conducted himself in a way that provoked it, but actually threw the first punch or initiated the actual PHYSICAL contact. Good luck with that since the ONLY person that could verify that is Zimmerman and I don't think he's gonna cop to that.

The eye witnesses disagree with your assessment of the pummeling.
My assessment from the pummeling is from his injuries. The eyewitness clarified he couldn't see punches being thrown. Its easier to prove that zimmerman would start the fight than martin considering their pasts.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
If you're on the ground and someone is pummeling and its your fault for starting the fight pulling a gun is not justified. And that was not a pummeling
That was a pummeling, and you are completely ignorant about the self defense law in Florida. Under the law in Florida, you have a right to use lethal force to defend yourself EVEN IF YOU STARTED THE FIGHT. This trial isn't about what you think is right, or fair, it is about the law.


Well-Known Member
2:57 p.m. ET: Prosecutor Guy is going over several images of the neighborhood and photos of Zimmerman's bloody face and head. Smith says Zimmerman was wearing a red and black jacket.
"The back of it was wetter than the front of it. It was also covered in grass," said Smith.
Zimmerman was also wearing blue jeans.
"The back was wetter than the front," said Smith.

Yet more proof it happened the way he said it did.

You liberals just can't stand the fact someone used a gun in self defense. You think it is acceptable for someone to assult a person for asking why they're in the neighborhood.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Officer Smith completely corroborated Zimmerman's account of the shooting. If it keeps on like this I would expect the judge to dismiss the charges against Zimmerman.

<edit> The judge is not going to dismiss the charges because it would cause a shit storm of epic proportions. This is a political trial, after all.


Well-Known Member
You are free to comment on the trial if you are watching. Do you disagree that the prosecution are losing badly, at least today?
i am commenting on the trial, specifically your take on things.

i'll watch today's action later when i'm harvesting. but you're deluded to expect the judge to dismiss this, just as you are deluded to want serino fired for asking questions.


Well-Known Member
This is the most lop sided trial I have ever seen. The prosecution might as well call Mickey Mouse to the stand next. The prosecution has brought no case or evidence for 2nd degree murder at all. I am completely on the fence on this trial. I think Zimmerman is a coward fuck with a gun that should have stayed in his truck, I also think Martin was a worthless thug. But nothing is more worthless than the prosecutions 'case' and string of witnesses testifying to darkness and vague noises.


Well-Known Member
This is the most lop sided trial I have ever seen. The prosecution might as well call Mickey Mouse to the stand next. The prosecution has brought no case or evidence for 2nd degree murder at all. I am completely on the fence on this trial. I think Zimmerman is a coward fuck with a gun that should have stayed in his truck, I also think Martin was a worthless thug. But nothing is more worthless than the prosecutions 'case' and string of witnesses testifying to darkness and vague noises.
chill out, sparky. things are just getting started.


Well-Known Member
i am commenting on the trial, specifically your take on things.

i'll watch today's action later when i'm harvesting. but you're deluded to expect the judge to dismiss this, just as you are deluded to want serino fired for asking questions.
I would get stoned and argue with UncleBuck all day long. Especially if it was some of that purple bud pic you put up yesterday. I would say lets trim and argue Zimmerman and politics all damn day
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