zimmerman news

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fucc all yall feelings. and theres no way around it. zimmerman was told NOT to follow that boy. he did it anyway. and end up killin the boy.if he would've went bout his bidness, we wouldnt be havin this convo. fucc zimmerman. fucc florida. and fucc a white nigga wit a gun. im bacc on my higher learnin shit.

Start with a dictionary
Ok first final and only post about what I feel like the 6 jury women are thinking right now. If its manslaughter then it could only be this type.

Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter): Engaging in “Culpably Negligent” conduct that resulted in the death of another person.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

While not a specific element of Manslaughter, if the jury determines a weapon or firearm was used in the commission of the Manslaughter, the crime will be reclassified from a felony of the second degree to a felony of the first degree. [1] Aslo adding this to his time served

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 15 years in prison.
Up to 15 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

The crime of Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm is classified as a First Degree Felony and is assigned a Level 7 offense severity ranking under Florida's Criminal Punishment Code.

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 30 years in prison.
Up to 30 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.

Facts provided by R&H Lawyers Dictionary

Florida Crimes: Manslaughter

It can't be manslaughter. He was found not guilty of manslaughter.
fucc all yall feelings. and theres no way around it. zimmerman was told NOT to follow that boy. he did it anyway. and end up killin the boy.if he would've went bout his bidness, we wouldnt be havin this convo. fucc zimmerman. fucc florida. and fucc a white nigga wit a gun. im bacc on my higher learnin shit.

He was not told to not follow. We don't need you to do that is not being told not to follow. It's a suggestion by a person with NO authority. Your emotions are clouding your logic as well.

Edit: Trayvon got away from George as it is. Why did he have to come back and assault George?
fucc all yall feelings. and theres no way around it. zimmerman was told NOT to follow that boy. he did it anyway. and end up killin the boy.if he would've went bout his bidness, we wouldnt be havin this convo. fucc zimmerman. fucc florida. and fucc a white nigga wit a gun. im bacc on my higher learnin shit.

I'm with you on thinking zimmerman should be locked up for stupidity but not taking a dispatch advice is not a crime. That's a min wage job usually given to somebody's wife/girlfriend/besty.

If Martin had done what the majority of teenagers who have been followed by authorities do, "I'm going to the house I'm visiting right over there" he would still be alive. When I was a teen I had hair half way down my back and my daily "uniform" was either a concert t-shirt or a rude inappropriate saying (I thought I was cool) and holey jeans. I was followed every time I went into a store, everytime, it was expected. We used to play a game with it sometimes and see if we could lose them, or get them to chase us. If I had turned around and tried to beat up every rent-a-cop with a power complex I would be either dead or in jail.

There should be valuable lessons to learn from this case but if we continue to ignore/distort facts, those lessons will never come to fruition. The SYG law needs to be revisited, neighborhood watch guys need to "watch", not participate, kids need to be more respectful of adults.

Btw, based on statistics of robberies in that neighborhood, the FBI profile would be a young black male. That's not racism, it's just statistics.

What a sad story. I tried to not get emotional about it like the rest of the country and just wait for the facts, but damn... not possible. I personally had convicted zim of manslaughter without watching a minute of the trial. I guess i was wrong. It still doesn't feel like justice though. I heard a good saying the other day that definitely applies to this case. We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. I still wouldn't trade it for what's out there though. Innocent until proven guilty is still the best concept.
FOR THE LAST TIME 911 IS NOT THE POLICE , It is a system to make getting the police , fire etc easier, they ARE NOT law enforcement.

And when people use the Royal we with me, i for sure dont listen to them
I'm with you on thinking zimmerman should be locked up for stupidity but not taking a dispatch advice is not a crime. That's a min wage job usually given to somebody's wife/girlfriend/besty.

If Martin had done what the majority of teenagers who have been followed by authorities do, "I'm going to the house I'm visiting right over there" he would still be alive. When I was a teen I had hair half way down my back and my daily "uniform" was either a concert t-shirt or a rude inappropriate saying (I thought I was cool) and holey jeans. I was followed every time I went into a store, everytime, it was expected. We used to play a game with it sometimes and see if we could lose them, or get them to chase us. If I had turned around and tried to beat up every rent-a-cop with a power complex I would be either dead or in jail.

There should be valuable lessons to learn from this case but if we continue to ignore/distort facts, those lessons will never come to fruition. The SYG law needs to be revisited, neighborhood watch guys need to "watch", not participate, kids need to be more respectful of adults.

Btw, based on statistics of robberies in that neighborhood, the FBI profile would be a young black male. That's not racism, it's just statistics.

What a sad story. I tried to not get emotional about it like the rest of the country and just wait for the facts, but damn... not possible. I personally had convicted zim of manslaughter without watching a minute of the trial. I guess i was wrong. It still doesn't feel like justice though. I heard a good saying the other day that definitely applies to this case. We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. I still wouldn't trade it for what's out there though. Innocent until proven guilty is still the best concept.

You and just about every other person in America. Certainly every left leaning news outfit either were ignorant of the facts or so blinded by their own biases that they were incapable of calm analysis of the facts.

I think Unclebuck ought to get a job on MSNBC. He certainly has the skills and the set-in-concrete certitude of who the good guys and bad guys are. Laurence O'Donnell would be relegated to writing obits.
No riots, basically for the most part, everyone could see that justice was done.

Rodney King? LMAO that was not justice and we know what happened next. I was there.
So today All the supporters of crayon are supposed to call in sick , now who will flip our burgers pull our weeds etc. thats for those who actually have a job, good planning sharpton et al.
Shamelessly plagiarized by me. We CAN all get along.

"Hey, Obama, this is what your son should like."

Shamelessly plagiarized by me. We CAN all get along.

"Hey, Obama, this is what your son should like."


Good on him, it's awesome to see "joe public" stand up when they see something wrong... Hope he is given some kind of formal recognition for his actions! These are the kind of kids Obama should be talking about!
FOR THE LAST TIME 911 IS NOT THE POLICE , It is a system to make getting the police , fire etc easier, they ARE NOT law enforcement.

And when people use the Royal we with me, i for sure dont listen to them

why would he call them for help if he''s just gonna ignore their advice?

are we a little pissy this morning, child?

you mad they banned your 'justanotherhead' account, reducing you to this obvious sock puppet?
I've been given stupid and dangerous instructions by the police. Did I follow them. No, because I have half a brain. There is no obligation to follow instructions from 911. Especially if in this case they would have wound up allowing a dangerous criminal to escape. Zimmerman was within his rights every step of the way and this is why a jury of little old ladies acquitted him.

Justice has been done, get over it.
why would he call them for help if he''s just gonna ignore their advice?

are we a little pissy this morning, child?

you mad they banned your 'justanotherhead' account, reducing you to this obvious sock puppet?

Sounds like you're the one who's pissy Buck...something happen yesterday to annoy you? :)
why would he call them for help if he''s just gonna ignore their advice?

are we a little pissy this morning, child?

you mad they banned your 'justanotherhead' account, reducing you to this obvious sock puppet?
Your cornflakes will get soggy FAR quicker if you keep crying into them...
I took my ccw license in Florida as a non resident.
The retired US Marshal who gave the class told me 80 percent of his class where senior citizens.

Not being a local i asked why , he told me they where tired of being broken in on and murdered and robbed and beaten and sometimes raped.
why would he call them for help if he''s just gonna ignore their advice?

are we a little pissy this morning, child?

you mad they banned your 'justanotherhead' account, reducing you to this obvious sock puppet?
People don't call 911 for advice, just try and do that, you will get arrested. People call 911 to REPORT things. that is all. 911 is not an advice center.
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