The lefties are having a shit fit, here is how it really went down:
"8th Grader Trayvon Martin is walking home in his graduation cap and gown
Aryan Nation member George Zimmerman driving around in his Confederate Flag draped pickup
Zimmerman spots Trayvon through the night by the glow of his halo
The Klansman takes chase
The football star nearly outruns him, but he is trapped by a "do not enter" sign
Faced with certain death or disobeying the law, he makes his stand
Trayvon attempts to reason his attacker, but the illiterate racist will have none of it
Zimmerman steps out of his vehicle and asks "Any last words?"
Trayvon looks his executioner in the eye and replies "World Peace"
"WHITE POWER!" exclaims Zimmerman as he unloads with his fully-automatic assault rifle
If not for the Republican party he may have survived, but the skinhead's extended magazine, unfettered by their legislation unloads hundreds of rounds into the future Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Zimmerman then bashes his own head into the curb repeatedly screaming "help me!"
When he is finished, Hitler himself steps back into his gas-guzzling vehicle
As Trayvon lay dying, the last thing he sees is the "Bush Cheney 2004" bumper sticker disapear into the night"
Okie dokie. Boycott the institution that steals the money to fund the "public" transportation. Oh wait, you "can't" boycott the that because we're free?
let me refresh your memory: the boycotts weren't completely effective, it still took the federal government intervening to stop states from acting unconstitutionally.
you don't just abuse the language, you rape it like it owed you money.
If the transportation company was privately held it would be much harder for them to discriminate and survive financially. Sooner or later another private business would come along (assuming government didn't intervene and throw a bunch of red tape in the way) and the first one, the discriminating one, would be out competed.
demonstrably false, hence why the civil rights act included section II.
are you a child? learning impaired? brain damaged?
no grasp on history, no grasp on what simple words mean...pathetic.
The civil rights act is immoral, it is a violation of basic human rightsdemonstrably false, hence why the civil rights act included section II.
are you a child? learning impaired? brain damaged?
no grasp on history, no grasp on what simple words mean...pathetic.
So poor customer service DOESN'T lose a business customers in a truly free market? Now who's learning impaired?
I see you cherry pick your answers. How can theft mean one thing when you or I do it, yet if a group of people do it, the meaning changes? Please explain that to 'dis po brain damaged chile.
many, many businesses kept their doors open while refusing service to blacks (or others). this is mundane, empirical fact.
are you stupid?
you do not use words properly.
when someone signs a W2 consenting to taxation, that is not theft.
when someone moves to a location knowing what the taxes will be like there, that is consent, not theft.
that you're an idiot who does not know how to use words properly does not condemn the fact that i do know how to use those words correctly.
You've avoided answering the question, so I'll do it for you. It is a poor business practice to eliminate potential paying customers based on skin color. If a company continuously does that they have created a ripe opportunity for a competitor to kick their ass.
Am I stupid? No.
W-2's signing? Is there a choice for a person that does not involve a government threat to do otherwise?
Why are you so against people having the right to choose?clearly you are stupid, or at the very least ignorant, as you are ignoring the fact that businesses that did what you described had no problem keeping their doors open and their lights on.
basic history, child.
there are lots of other choices.
Why are you so against people having the right to choose?
It can't be manslaughter. He was found not guilty of manslaughter.
TM could have gotten home four times over in the time when he was "lost" to Zimmerman.
The fourteenth amendment wasn't part of the constitution and what you are saying is that the people should have a right to choose, unless they are the owner of something then the people override the owners right to choose, and you want the govt to make the decisions and be in charge of the enforcement of suchi am all for everyone having the right to choose, without fear of being denied service by a racist property owner.
i am also for equal protection of the law, as codified in our constitution.
why do you hate the constitution? why do you hate the 14th amendment? why do you hate equal protection of the law?
and zimmerman could have gone back to his car 8 times.
it's crystal clear that you think the black kid should have known his place, and have never applied the same standard to zimm.
you racist douche.
The fourteenth amendment wasn't part of the constitution
and what you are saying is that the people should have a right to choose, unless they are the owner of something then the people override the owners right to choose, and you want the govt to make the decisions and be in charge of the enforcement of such
Isn't that called communism?
Why shouldn't the owner of something be allowed to decide who he will serve or who is allowed or what he wants to do and how he wants to do it?
why should someone be forced to make associations he would choose not to?