Zimmerman sues NBC

You are mixing two issues. The bus lines and the government are two different things and have different rules.

the city of montgomery set the rules for the buses. their rule was that the bus driver gets to say what happens. the city of montgomery could have just as easily said "no segregation on the bus", sit where you want. they didn't.

so both local government and private business both had the same rule. but it took the SCOTUS decision to tell both of them that they could not do that. it was not the free market, other buses and cities stayed segregated until this ruling was handed down. the free market allowed this until the SCOTUS told it that allowing such racist behavior was unconstitutional.

The fact is that the free market fixed things long before the government did.

demonstrably false, a retarded attempt at rewriting history at best. at worst, it is the cognitive dissonance of a racist revisionist.

many other private businesses did just fine with segregation and denial of servicembefore the SCOTUS told them that their actions were unconstitutional.

The SCOTUS decides all kind of fucked up things. The only reason the civil rights act even exists for private business is because..... (drum roll)

The commerce clause!

The same thing they use to outlaw everything. It is a pile of bullshit argument technicality argument at the very best. The Supreme Courts job isn't to decide if things are right or wrong, only legal per the constitution. The commerce clause is so broad that outlawing shitting could fly. You'd be in jail in a minute. :P

actually, the no segregation on buses case out of montgomery was decided on the 14th amendment, not the commerce clause.

you are once again trying to rewrite history.

now please apologize for lying to these folks and to me, or admit that you don't know what the fuck you are even talking about.

thank you.
the city of montgomery set the rules for the buses. their rule was that the bus driver gets to say what happens. the city of montgomery could have just as easily said "no segregation on the bus", sit where you want. they didn't.

so both local government and private business both had the same rule. but it took the SCOTUS decision to tell both of them that they could not do that. it was not the free market, other buses and cities stayed segregated until this ruling was handed down. the free market allowed this until the SCOTUS told it that allowing such racist behavior was unconstitutional.

demonstrably false, a retarded attempt at rewriting history at best. at worst, it is the cognitive dissonance of a racist revisionist.

many other private businesses did just fine with segregation and denial of servicembefore the SCOTUS told them that their actions were unconstitutional.

actually, the no segregation on buses case out of montgomery was decided on the 14th amendment, not the commerce clause.

you are once again trying to rewrite history.

now please apologize for lying to these folks and to me, or admit that you don't know what the fuck you are even talking about.

thank you.

You are a blithering fucktard.

"Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution, principally its power to regulate interstate commerce under Article One (section 8)"

My statement that the civil rights act was based on the 11th and your assertion that monkeys hate bananas are completely different. They call this a 'UB retarded commentary."

You can't read because you are a retard who has the best part of him shot down his mom's ass cheek, thankfully that doesn't change reality.

The city of Montgomery set the rules for buses and it was SEGREGATION. You are a cum bubble. The bus drivers were threatened with arrest if they didn't keep the buses segregated. You are an idiot who deserves to be raped by a giraffe.

I will apologize. I am sorry you are an ignorant cunt that cannot fucking read, comprehend, or have a conversation. You are a old, pants shitting, useless mooch who really hates everyone around you because they have clean underwear and you don't. Fucking useless retard. I hope everyone will accept my apology on behalf of myself, and the human race, for letting UB exist.

I have not seen you come close to being right about anything. I am not sure how you ever use the computer.
You are a blithering fucktard.

"Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution, principally its power to regulate interstate commerce under Article One (section 8)"

My statement that the civil rights act was based on the 11th and your assertion that monkeys hate bananas are completely different. They call this a 'UB retarded commentary."

You can't read because you are a retard who has the best part of him shot down his mom's ass cheek, thankfully that doesn't change reality.

The city of Montgomery set the rules for buses and it was SEGREGATION. You are a cum bubble. The bus drivers were threatened with arrest if they didn't keep the buses segregated. You are an idiot who deserves to be raped by a giraffe.

I will apologize. I am sorry you are an ignorant cunt that cannot fucking read, comprehend, or have a conversation. You are a old, pants shitting, useless mooch who really hates everyone around you because they have clean underwear and you don't. Fucking useless retard. I hope everyone will accept my apology on behalf of myself, and the human race, for letting UB exist.

I have not seen you come close to being right about anything. I am not sure how you ever use the computer.

the city of montgomery said the bus drivers get to decide seating, the bus drivers opted for segregation and the city of montgomery did not object.

the case went all the way to the SCOTUS. it was decided as unconstitutional on the basis of the 14th amendment, equal protection of the law.

i know that as a racist, equality really burns you up inside, as do the demonstrable historical facts that prove your interpretation of history to be a fanciful rewrite.

i will ask you once again to please apologize for lying to myself and all the other fine people who frequent this forum, clawfoot.

you racist sack of shit.