Zinc Deficiency? Need bigger shoes? Previously suffered drought.


Well-Known Member

A lil while ago I got a few leet cuts from @homebrew420 that I wanna use as mums. We are moving in a month so I'm just vegging them under a T5 in 1 gal pots right now. The plan was just to keep them like this until we move then step em up to 5 gal airpots.

One of the cuts(gg#4) suffered mouse damage(see other post) but came back to life in a big way after healing up.

The other(Lemon G), the one I'm posting about now, was growing great and looking super healthy, etc.

I decided to top the lemon to try to keep the height down a lil till gg caught up. It responded fine to the topping but then I forgot to water it for like 3 days and it suffered some drought. Some leaves were badly damaged but for the most part it recovered nicely. (Pics below)

Since then it has started to turn yellow and get think ridges on most of the leaves. Under sunlight it looks more green but under the T5s and next to the gg it looks rather yellow-green and the new growth isn't exploding like it was, it also seems to be making much shorter internodes now.

Lot's of pics below, thanks for any input!!

- 1 gal pots
- TGA Base Soil
- Feeding Vegamatrix with Veganic Special Sauce
- Have sprayed and watered with acentovate and water only. Following with a spray and water, acentovate, neem, protekt, and humbolt sticky 2 weeks later. This was all before the drought and yellowing and the plants didn't have any issues after.
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Well-Known Member
Various pics from yesterday: (I think like a week after the drought, not sure on the timeline atm)



Well-Known Member
No help on this?

Was thinking maybe I need to flush and make sure the PH is all good? I never really mess with ph because I use good soil with dolomite. Maybe I need to top dress with some azomite or something?


Well-Known Member
At first I thought the same. I've been feeding more grow(5-2-3). Was at 2ml/liter(~8ml/gal) for a while, and yesterday I flush fed her 3ml/liter(~12ml/gal). I've also been giving her more of the boost and amp-it, along with a lil bloom.

The bigger, lower leaves look a like n def, but the new growth looks more like zinc to me. The new growth is still pretty small and yellowish and growing short internodes. I also see some VERY minor damage that looks like PH fluctuation to me.


Well-Known Member
At first I thought the same. I've been feeding more grow(5-2-3). Was at 2ml/liter(~8ml/gal) for a while, and yesterday I flush fed her 3ml/liter(~12ml/gal). I've also been giving her more of the boost and amp-it, along with a lil bloom.

The bigger, lower leaves look a like n def, but the new growth looks more like zinc to me. The new growth is still pretty small and yellowish and growing short internodes. I also see some VERY minor damage that looks like PH fluctuation to me.
Hehehe, i dont ever get these problems lol. I just give em the right sized shoes, the right anount of food, and the right amount of light, and i never have any issues. I run pretty simple and it works. Base nutes for the first while, i start calmag at low doses at about almost a month, continue to flower and ill add a couple additives to bulk and resonate at the times along with a pk boost in between. I run grow nutes up to week 4.5 and then slowly transition to flower nutes to finish...cause we aint growin in the 80s still. ;)
That aint much to help ya but i figured id share. to me it looks like the one girls just a little of a heavier feeder. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
With a plant that size I would just pot up. Good chance some fresh dirt will get her growing hard again.
Yea she def needs a bigger pot, I was hopping she would make it 2 more weeks in this one though. Gonna go ahead up can it.