Zip lock bags for curing ?

Hi fellow farmers I was given advice by a buddy to use a ziplock bag he said they are aroma neutral and allo minimum exchange of gases through the bags. Is this true or should I stick to glass jars which are a headache u gotta buy a shitload for like 3 pounds. Thx


Well-Known Member
You can use them or paper bags. But keep in mind they are pours so the smell will always be strong where you keep them. But if you by 50 bucks of jars you have a air tight container that you will always have.


bud bootlegger
I don't really like plastic bags for several reasons... the first is that static thing that always happens with plastic bags... every put some kill in a ziplock baggy than after you smoke it all, you look in the bag and you see all of those lovely trics stuck either in the corner of the baggies or simply on the sides of it?? such a waste imo, lol.. one reason why glass is much better for curing..

and like said above, you buy some nice glass jars once and so long as you take care of them they will last for years and years...

also, i don't think that ziplocks are really all that odor proof.. i don't know how many times i've had some kill in a ziplock bag and you could still smell that bud down the street.. put that same bud in a glass jar, and the odor pretty much goes away ime...


Well-Known Member
hahaha nice one, now its done growing your like "WTF Do I do with all this Damn WEED? Im not there yet, hopefully I can pull off a good dry and cure without getting mold, sounds like a fine line between drying too fast and mold.


Well-Known Member
yea bags suck, and when your stoned, that damn hefty lock or whatever the fuck its called is a pain in the ass to open.
i bought some big ass mason jars from a home decorating store for 14 bucks each, pretty big, maybe 1/2 pound can fit in each one.


Active Member
if you got hate in your heart let it out clayton. it's me, Jasper! wheres your hood? wouldnt want some radical insensitive to the movement trying to assassinate you.


Well-Known Member
Heeeey Jasper.

Don't let the liberal media tell you how to think and feel. The message of my books is very simple....


Well-Known Member
They sell plastic cases for jars too.

I know with mushrooms a lot of guys use airtight 5 gallon buckets or dog food containers so I’m sure you could do that too.