Zoloft mixed with urine, at 50 mg per 500 ml, is good for plants???


Well-Known Member
So one of my friends told me that if I put a 50 mg Zoloft crushed up into a cup of fresh piss and stir thoroughly, it makes some of the best plant fertilizer in the world. Just wait for distillation to occur, when Sertraline Hydrochloride reacts with other various distillates, to create a magical "happy solution" for your plants.

I've applied this fertilizer to 6 of my ladies tonight. Can't wait to see the magic occur...
So one of my friends told me that if I put a 50 mg Zoloft crushed up into a cup of fresh piss and stir thoroughly, it makes some of the best plant fertilizer in the world. Just wait for distillation to occur, when Sertraline Hydrochloride reacts with other various distillates, to create a magical "happy solution" for your plants.

I've applied this fertilizer to 6 of my ladies tonight. Can't wait to see the magic occur...

dude, zoloft and all other pharmaceuticals are designed for use on people and other mammals. plants need other stuff.

the stuff plants crave is mostly simple elements and compounds that they use in their photosynthesis, or that feeds their fungal symbiotic buddies.

giving your plants any drug will not provide the same effect it has in people. zoloft wont make your plants less depressed, steroids wont make them grow stronger or faster, and viagra wont make them stiffer.

adding raw piss, or blood, or semen, or the tears of a virgin to your magic potion is the usual sort of extra ingredient used by fools and new age con-artists to explain why the magic happens. it doesnt work. it cannot work. its bullshit.
take a dump pour yeast on it cover it with honey then wait 14 weeks, it wont make your plant grow stronger, but it also wont make you look any less stupid
take a dump pour yeast on it cover it with honey then wait 14 weeks, it wont make your plant grow stronger, but it also wont make you look any less stupid


you got to pierce the main stem of your dope plant right above the soil line with a thorn from a lemon tree pickled for 3 months in the rendered fat from a hanged man! the thorn must be kept in complete darkness, exposed to light for only 2 hours at the height of the full moon in the second month of pickling, as the jar rests on the tomb of Allister Crowley, while 7 virgins dance naked in a counterclockwise ring. .

then your plant will drop at least 5 pounds of primo dope.

if it doesnt, you did something wrong.
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Are you dumb? Zoloft ? Not for plants. Quit being cheap and go but some real nutrients that are made for you plants
he must be a cracker trying to grow, or in other words a poor fuck with nothing but his crack pills to feed the plants
The root has a layer called the caspian strip it controls what the root can uptake. You'd probly have to inject that witches brew into the stem for it to be absorbed by the plant.
Lol at this website....I can't believe 70% of the people who read my OP thought I was serious.

An omen to the human race.
I don't know I took a couple zoloft a friend gave me about 15 years ago and it wasn't magical at all it made me yawn a lot and every time i yawned I lost all the strength in my legs and almost fell over..... magical no.... you want magical mix 80 mg of ritalyn with 80 mg of prozac in a shot of bacardi drink that shit down and then water your plants with a tablespoon per gallon of earth juice, or whatever nute you have.... a teaspoon of fox farms or whatever... enjoy the magic that is about to go down... I'm Serious
Lol at this website....I can't believe 70% of the people who read my OP thought I was serious.

An omen to the human race.

It's called Poe's Law. You may think this is an outrageous and ludicrously over-the-top idea, but this isn't even the dumbest post I have seen posted today.

you got to pierce the main stem of your dope plant right above the soil line with a thorn from a lemon tree pickled for 3 months in the rendered fat from a hanged man! the thorn must be kept in complete darkness, exposed to light for only 2 hours at the height of the full moon in the second month of pickling, as the jar rests on the tomb of Allister Crowley, while 7 virgins dance naked in a counterclockwise ring. .

then your plant will drop at least 5 pounds of primo dope.

if it doesnt, you did something wrong.

thanks ill try that
Damn, boy. You're retarded. Or should I say "Intellectually deficient". Everyone knows you cannot give plants an SSRI. However, if you add 15mg/gal of methamphetamine and between 35-60mg of any opiate (oxy, heroin, vicodin, etc..) your plant will absorb these, change the chemical structure, and you'll be shmokin' speedballs in no time. You must remember that they'll become physically dependant and if you don't administer the solution every 3-4 days, it will become very sick, but I can guarantee that it will increase THC by at least 30% and they'll be the frostiest, most insane buds you've ever smoked. You'll get mind blowingly high, but you can't really pass drug tests.
so in other words you're a fucking troll!

I admit, the ultimate troll-ster. I'm sorry about the foolishness. I just wanted to see how stubborn, and ego-driven, the responses to a completely ignorant post would be. And I got my answer. But I completely confess to troll-hood. It isn't in my nature, and I won't practice it much more. Kind of just a sick experiment for me. Sorry guys!!