I've born witness to someone in a zombie ambien state. Shit is crazy. I wouldn't fuck around with this one personally. If I needed to sleep I'd probably drop a bunch of melatonin.
Chasing a buzz with ambien leads to a very strange stupor and the Ambien Walrus comes to visit you a d you go on bizzare adventures you'll never remember.
Yep this. I made so many ebay and amazon purchases, having guitars and banjos show up on my front door was kinda cool tho. Like hey musta been the ambien walrus!
i actually took 10mg last night and stayed up a few hours after. i didnt really feel anything from it but i was also pretty high from smoking. i actually had a harder time falling asleep and had some crazy vivid dreams. didnt like the stuff overall nor would i care to do it again. i dunno maybe i'd try 10 mgs again while sober. it's not good to take high doses of pills. i'll stick with the smaller doses of real benzos. i've never taken a bunch at once nor ever intend to. i know a good deal of people who have and heard some crazy stories. they work good if used properly for anxiety or stress though.
Chasing a buzz with ambien leads to a very strange stupor and the Ambien Walrus comes to visit you a d you go on bizzare adventures you'll never remember.
i dont think anyone could say it better, fucking WEIRD nothing is safe when your on ambien!! i remember taking seroquil and vicodin together and hallucinated like crazy morphing faces i saw a whole bustop that wasnt even there when i was driving hahaaaa..i love prescription pills