Well-Known Member
That sucks about the male, but you do seem to be getting a very good ratio of females w/your seeds.TRYIN TO MAKE SUM ROOM FOR A NEW GROW MY GOOD BUDDY CHITOWNSMOKING SENT ME 10 SOUR D X BUDDA KUSH BEANS SO I REALLY WANT TO GET THEM STARTED CANT WAIT GOIN TO BE SUM DANK!!!!!!

That is so awesome that Chitownsmoking did that! Last April, there was a guy I PM'd about local dispensaries so I could get some good clones. (I didn't have know of the web sites to find dispensaries back then.) He wrote back saying he doesn't know my area of CA, and then offered to mail me some seeds as he had a lot of "spares" and the breeder that gave them to him told him to "pay it forward" to others. So we PM'd back and forth several times, I finally gave him a mailing address, he said he'd send them to me his next paycheck.... and then nothing. No seeds, no PM's, no communication whatsoever. I don't look a gift horse in the mouth, but I equally can't stand it when someone offers to do something and doesn't follow through without at least saying so first! I'd have purchased quality seeds a lot sooner if I'd not been waiting on this guy. He could've just told me he couldn't (or wouldn't) do it, after all.

That'll never happen. Ever. You do make some "interesting" posts though, I'll give you that!It would be kinda funnt if we femenized bud into extinction.....hope that don't happen. Its like it'll get legal evrywhere......then everyone will start getting gen alt seeds.....then all femed. Then wild males are rare is at all. Then all of a sudden weed is blamed for the BS of the world and once again banned. This time there will be no hardy wild types. Then what, lets all be careful what we wish for and be happy for what we got. Careful, considerate, and not greedy.