Zone 8b Bubba Kush?


Active Member
Well, located in the south and contemplating an outdoor run of BK this year. My desired outcome would be a better flower all the way around. This may be subjective, but I'd like to be the judge so I'm looking for advice. I plan to grow indoors, then transplant after the summer solstice. That puts me at the end of June. Man it gets pretty hot,100-106 from July into the first week of September. Am i just in a situation where this strain would be problematic under these conditions? If not any suggestions that would pave the way to success are much appreciated. TC
I grow outdoors in deep east texas, lollipoping, inner canopy trim, and some shade at high noon are your friend when growing indica. Sativas handle our summers fine but indicas not so much, july and august stunts their growth without care. Bigger pots help too for a reason i cant pin down. My 20gal fabrics wont droop as much as my #2 nursey pots. Probably root zone temps idk, just going off experience.
So place a canopy over it with shade cloth to "temper" the sun during overhead hours? I was planning a few in ground, not potted. I have a bit of time yet so tossing it around. Strain very similar to BK that may fair better? TC
You can grow any strain it's just you need to modify its environ to suit its individual quirks. You dont need a shade cloth, just positioning of the plant or moving them can do it. Watch the shadows of a tree, that can be all thats needed during the searing hot noontimes. I cant move my 20gal so they're positioned to limit direct sun using a massive oak tree. They'll survive damn near anything, it's a weed after all, but when we're after optimal growth you gotta try to create optimal conditions however you can.
If possible grow in the ground. Plants in the ground handle the heat way better in my experience. I’m around 33 degrees north and in summer we can go weeks in the triple digits and I’ve never had a problem with heat stress. I too grow indica dominant strains because I am more comfortable with the smaller size and shorter flowering time.
Plan to grow in ground so that's a plus. @mudballs , yes trees are our friends and yes I observe the sun-shade patterns also, which is very helpful. Sounds like I have what it takes for success. Thanks, TC