
  1. DriftlessExtracts

    Friday the 13th Weekend Sale: Slash 25% Off All Subscriptions! ️

    Hey Rollitup fam! We’re slashing prices this spooky Friday the 13th weekend with 25% OFF all subscription orders! Whether you’re into CBD gummies, creams, or THC gummies, we’ve got you covered. Plus, KILL shipping when you spend $75 or more! Bestselling CBD: - Punch Out CBD Gummies - 30ct -...
  2. S

    Bhang Lassi as effective as edibles?

    Hey dear community, I love edibles and just want to consume weed that. Way mostly, but I cannot bear too much sweet. So I know in India they make the holy bhang Lassi with milk or yogurt, but is it as effective as edibles, due to the lower fat content and the fact that traditional cookie...
  3. S

    Peanut butter or banana shake, whats more potent?

    Hello guys, I used to make some incredible cookies, but am not looking for such a sweet taste anymore, I would like to do it simple but still effective. I live in Germany, weed here is expensive and I want to have a good end product without experimenting alot. I am not a fan of slowly...
  4. D

    Bugs or plant matter? Small white things floating in olive oil.

    Just saw these start floating up as I began cooking the oil. Bud seemed ok, was dried and cured. Are they immature calyxes or seeds, therefore ok to cook with? Or bug eggs, so I should just throw it out? It’s some outdoor I grew myself, a bunch of the smaller buds
  5. R


    Hello all - newb here I have recently purchased an older Precision 1lb closed loop extractor and am looking for someone with knowledge to help me set this thing up to get it running - I can send pics of system and am willing to compensate anyone who can help me. please email me at...
  6. A

    THC Syrup made with RSO/FECO?

    Hey everyone, Has anyone out there made THC syrup? And, specifically, THC syrup using RSO/FECO? I use edibles for chronic pain relief because they can be strong and have long-lasting effects. I got some THC syrup from a local dispensary awhile ago and it was great. I really liked that it...
  7. B

    Bringing discrete infused items in luggage?

    Looking to do a Always Sunny suntan lotion bottle trick but with weed for traveling to cancun. Like infusing rso or concentrates with coconut oil and putting in a empty lotion bottle or other everyday object that no one would bat an eye at (toothpaste etc.) . I know TSA isn't looking for it, but...
  8. S

    Cannabis Oil/THC oil as an alternative to smoking, any experiences?

    Hey community, I want to quit smoking once and for all because tobacco (which we use here in Germany, because weed is expensive) or smoke in general is not good for the lungs and I cannot tolerate it. I came up with the idea of making cannabis oil and then dripping it on the tongue, so no...
  9. M

    A little bit of bud rot, cut it out and make edibles?

    Cut down an OG yesterday and noticed some bud rot inside of the dense colas. Not planning to smoke, but looking for feedback if it's ok to make oil with them for edibles (the salvaged parts without visual bud rot). Any thoughts on if these are still salvageable? My thought is: 1. Removed rot...
  10. M

    Outdoor OG, minimal bud rot inside the dense colas, anything salvagable?

    Just cut down an outdoor grown OG. Noticed inside the dense buds some bud rot. Had a lot of caterpillar issues but stayed on them, cut out what I could immediately over the past 2 months (which may be some of what I'm seeing). I was careful to cut out all the rot area. None of the buds were...
  11. SourDeezle1232

    Trying to make myself high dose edibles

    Hello everyone hope all is well, So a little background on me, about a 17 year daily smoker. Ever since I tried my first edible brownie old fashion at a party, I thought they were just bunk after no effects. Through the years I’ve made my own, had others… until I went to Colorado and had...
  12. Milky Weed

    EZ extract hard candy recipe

    For the sake of this recipe, ill be using strawberry extract but you can flavor these with any extract you like or leave plain for maximum extract flavor.. I just made a batch of this stuff, it turned out incredible. I also used rosin, but any extract will likely do. flavor will mostly transfer...
  13. P

    Horrible rotten meat smell

    Good afternoon everyone! I have a huge issue that I would love some advice on.. My deep freezer went out that I store my trim and extra meat products. Unfortunately, the freezer went out without me knowing and since the deep freezer is my back up storage place, I didn’t realize it had gone out...
  14. lamptree

    Refreezing cannabutter??

    I made some cannabutter about a month ago and threw it in the freezer after seperating out the water. Its just in some big slabs that I cut out from the pot it set in. I'd like to take it out and thaw it and then refreeze it in some molds that are all the same size for easier use. Would this...
  15. Buds420grow

    What to make with butter

    I’ve got about 1/2 a pound of sugar leaves and various trim from my first harvest was wondering what I should make ?
  16. SBBCal


    Switching up on the oil pills and making some gummy’s with some Trainwreck trim/larf . Going to make some bubble hash or may use sissor- hash and also going to try to use coco canna oil. Heard that the lecithin will bind the juice and oil…. Hopefully. Still need to get juice actually :???: ...
  17. Ukulele Haze

    Question About Cooking With Rosin

    Hello everyone, I ordered some Doctor Seedsman seeds and am interested in making some CBD edibles. I tried making cannabutter in the past. I found the process to be lengthy and ended up with lackluster results. Part of the problem was I didn't decarboxylate the flower first. If making cookies...
  18. B

    HELP ASAP!! Tincture Edibles

    I’m not sure if I’m doing this right. I’ve posted but I can’t find it anywhere, not even under my profile content. So I’m going to post again. I went and bought 6 bottle of THC tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles. I’ve been making edibles for years but have always made my own...
  19. B

    Tincture edibles

    So I went and bought 6 bottles of tincture from the dispensary today for my edibles, I’ve made edibles for the last few years but have always made my own infused coconut oil or butter or whatever. But I’ve never worked with tincture, I was told you have to decarb it? But isn’t it already...
  20. meangreengrowinmachine

    Water soluble THC?

    Is there a way for the layman at home to make water soluble THC? Thinking of trying to make my own infused soda water or kombucha or something like that... would I need to make a tincture and then therefore have alcohol present? If so... how concentrated can one make a tincture and still have...