
  1. DirtyHarry420

    Hermie options

    Hey all i just harvested my girls and they had hermied badly so i have 2 questions. 1. Is it still ok to smoke? (Not selling it as i only grow for myself for pain relief and eases my low mood and sleep disorder) 2. Can i make edibles with it. If so do i remove the seeds 1st or can i make the...
  2. SBBCal

    Brownies (for the win)

    Inspired by a shit talking buddy for the Chiefs to repeat. Don’t even like the Browns but rooting for them due to this cockwaffles large mouth. Sooo , I made some game time snacks.. bwaahahah. -Used 6-7 grams popcorn buds from last run and added some grinder keif for good measure:eyesmoke...
  3. M

    Does surface area of an edible change the availability of cannabinoid?

    I’ve recently had an argument over edibles. My friend believes that a rice crispy edible (lots of surface area due to bumpy nature) will let your body absorb more of the cannabinoid than a gummy edible. I believe that a 100mg edible will get you high equally weather it’s a rice crispy or a...
  4. Towelie29

    Can I use liquid 1200 mg lecithin tablets in my cannabutter?

    I made 7 sticks of cannabutter yesterday and I need guar gum or soy lecithin to blend it into a nicer butter/emulsify it. I'm having a hell of a time finding either in powder form in Canada. Tomorrow I'm going to check the health food store. If I can't find them in powder form, can I use the...
  5. T

    Potency when making infused coconut oil

    Rather new to cooking with cannabis but I've been infusing it with coconut oil as it's nice and easy for me. Some of the recipes I use it in leave not the nicest taste as I use trim alot. I've read people suggesting using half the amount of infused oil and making the rest up with normal oil...
  6. S

    how long does the smell from cooking edibles linger?

    So, I’m currently dogsitting for a week and I have the entire house to myself, and I was considering baking edibles. I was just wondering how long the scent has lasted from your guy’s experience, and what I could do to make the scent go away faster.
  7. Viciousmo

    Tinctures vs Canna Oil for edible gummys

    Hello All! Hope everyone is well during these weird times. Since I have a little more time on my hands, I've been experimenting with creating different edibles. I've been looking for a good gummy bear recipe online. I keep seeing that you can use various ways that include tinctures and canna...
  8. angrybudcom

    Alice Toklas's cookbook WANTED!

    Hi everybody, we already heard about Alice B Toklas cookbook, A LOT, Separate recipes and quotations are easy to spot, like this: https://angrybud.com/seeds/moroccan-love-candy-called-majoun-brilliant-storms-of-laughter/?highlight=toklas However... the ORIGINAL might be free of copyright, at...
  9. Rainbow Warrior


    Hi guys, Seen loads of weed recipes. Does anyone have a good hash cookie recipe. Just got some nice Afghan Hash and want to try my baking skills;-) Any other hash edibles suggestions?
  10. 420SOS

    Eating Raw Weed

    Ok guys, as promised here's one of the blogposts, take a look at it and hit me with all you got :lol: What Happens If You Eat Weed The phrase “eating weed” conjures up the image of a goat chowing down of some fresh marijuana buds. But that is not all it means, you can either chew some fresh...
  11. MarijuanaGuides

    Complimentary Foods

    When you are following along with a recipe, I imagine people are also making other things along side it. What goes good with your cannafood??
  12. H

    Healing the world each strain at a time

    we made the daring decision to give the world that natural medicine had provided us, my God. We have quality cannabis buds, THC oil and CBD, cannabis capsules, vaps, hash, edible and other cannabis-infused products that help maintain health problems such as ANXIETY , DEPRESSION, ARTHRITIS...
  13. farmerfischer

    The mushroom patch

    Post your edible mushrooms... I'm currently fruiting a lions mane in a ziplock freezer bag... it just started to fruit... I have a few bags going.. this one was an experiment just to see if I could grow in ziplock bags.. the others are in mushroom bags.
  14. Timoune

    Best extract method for edible and identification...

    Hi, I've been growing some few plants and they are few days before harvest. This is the first time I will be doing extracts main reason is taste. However after reading many topics on diverse 420 forums around I cannot settle on which extraction is the best for edible. Some people says forget...
  15. trapdevil

    Tons of shake/ MiSC

    What’s up guys, First post but been lurking a while and been around the flower scene for a minute. But I have a rather newbie question. I’ve yet to really cook with cannabis, and I want to take the opportunity too. I handle a good amount of Pcks of weed and oil, cartridges and whatnot. I...
  16. Gdub51

    Kick Ass Brownie Recipe

    To your fav. brownie box recipe do the following: Add about one full ounce of decarboxylated weed (even weak stuff works with the supplements) osterized to a fine almost powder (don't burn it in the osterizer, pulse it till fine) into your fav. box recipe. Add brown sugar liberally, a bit of...
  17. OldMedUser

    Cocobudder and how I make it.

    Started making some CocoBudder on the shelf where I set up my stuff to make colloidal silver but I'm all stocked up with that so got it out of the way for this. I bought this little crock pot at the thrift store for $5 a few years ago and finally decided to try it out a couple years back. With...
  18. Melisamiller20

    Patients appreciation For Colorado Medicals

    Medical marijuana is a very good medical cure...started believing in the power of medical marijuana from the time it cures my sister who had cancer for over 28 years. We were directed to a marijuana grower who was very kind with us and my greatest joy is that he cured my sister's cancer. After...
  19. canadian1969

    Suckers/lolipops recipe suggestions?

    I have about 15 grams of high test honey oil that I made yesterday and I bought a silicone mold for making lolipops. Thought I would stop by here and ask in case someone already knows the best way to do this. Before I go google some recipes and take my chances. ;-) I have a candy thermometer...
  20. Y

    Cannabutter with wet trim

    Hi all, I had to make an emergency chop on Saturday and thought I'd see if I could make some cannabutter from the trim. I looked everywhere for info on this but could only find recipes for frozen, semi dried or cured trim/bud. So, here's what worked VERY WELL for me! I used: 2oz of FRESH, WET...