germed seed in paper towel last Wednesday (4/13). Taproot emerged by friday morning. Planted in 100% b'cuzz coco substrate (in solo cup) and watered with bottled drinking water. no nutes added as of yet. box is 2x2x6 with can fan s 400 and can filter 2600 moving air. passive intake at bottom of...
Did you see the article on the guy who taught bees how to make honey? At first, I thought it was bee's wax! (haha). I'm still trying to figure out what I want to try it on first...
Hi everyone,
so I am a total newbie to the idea of growing this plant, and I have never smoked it-ever!!!
but my Dad has just been diagnosed with terminal melanoma and this may be his only hope.
I never realised that there were different strains of cannibas, so.. which one should I be looking...