
  1. SonsOfAvery

    Calculating Nutrients!!!

    I have a quick (hopefully quick) question about mixing nutrients. I'm on a budget and only have some cheap no branded plant feed available. They aren't particularly great on NPK but I thought about mixing them together and increasing the NPK. 1. 7-7-7 2. 4-5-6 Basically I'm wondering how these...
  2. buddss

    NPK-Calculator - ALPHA Version

    Hi guys i didn't do something in years. now i'm in a new run and trying to get the feel again for the ladies. This should help people, which not really have much experience with fertilizers and haven't developed the feeling for it yet. i think it's a good starting point. as well it could be a...
  3. dave_jam

    Will 1-2-2 be enough?

    I found some cactus nutrients at Walmart that is 1-2-2 so I bought it for my flowering plant. I'm not totally sure how it all works but I see a lot of ppl use stuff with higher numbers, i.e. 6-9-12 or whatever.. My question is: will the 1-2-2 be enough for my Auto flowers? Also will it be...
  4. PeachyBuds

    Decaf coffee for Nitrogen?

    Hey guys! I'm onto my 5th grow now, and now that I've learned first hand where I was lacking the most and have my breeding done with, I've cut back on my total plants, and now it's time to really grow some beasts :3 I've stuck almost entirely to organics thus far and have had decent success...
  5. Uberknot

    Will these NPK(Cal/Mag) numbers work well for a first time?

    Hey there, After reading much information about growing plants needs and nutrition I have come up with a basic mixture. Which consists of a mixture of a Jack's Fertilizer, Cal-Mag Plus, and a Fish and Kelp solution. Will these ratio's work ok assuming I use everything in...
  6. ditchertj

    N P K Mixture

    Dear fellow growers, I am in need to create a custom NPK feed for my outdoor plants and I have managed to buy a Kilo each of Nitrogen (N) , Phosphorus (P) & Potassium (K). I have gone online to check and it says 5:1:1 is a good ratio, but I do not know how to mix these 3 ingredients together...
  7. peacepipe17

    Coco Nutrient Ratios

    Ive done enough reading and my head hurts. Ive compared other products to mine etc but Id like an opinion from other coco growers on my nutrient ratios.. Specifically K:CA:MG (my understanding is this ratio should be 4:2:1) I run: Botanicare CNS17 @ 17ml/Gal, Silica @ 5 ml/Gal, Fulvex @...
  8. B

    Blue Mystic Auto Should I harvest??

    My blue mystic auto flower is in about the 6th week of flowering, but the buds are already so damn frosty. I have a jewelers loupe and the crystals are cloudy, but not yet amber. According to nirvana seeds it says to flower 7-9 weeks. My fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and die from the...