
  1. Snoopy36

    What's happening here????

    I have about 4 different strains in my veg room, and the only strain with this problem is my animal cookie strain. I have 4 plants of that strain and this only appears on the very top of each plant. Affecting about 2-3 leaves on all 4 on top. I turned the place upside down and don't see any...
  2. HydroNito305

    Are these two products comparable? Can one replace the other?

    Are these two products comparable? Can one replace the other?:
  3. Levradus

    DIY OSRAM OSLON SSL led panel

    Hello everyone, I am intending to make a led grow light with oslon ssl I have chance to buy them in plexi modules. I am gonna use BLUE-RED-HYPER RED-SOME WARM WHİTE I need your help to calcute driver and heatsink also want to hear your advices everyone welcome. I made two options
  4. kitten49

    just a quick question

    So I took a clone of my mother plant last night then today I was looking up how long she would take to recover from it as in start regrowing at the cut spot but can't really find anything so how long does that usually take? Or will she not regrow at that spot
  5. Newgrowjournal

    Sunburned cannabis leaves?

    Hello, This is my second grow ever, first was indoor this one is outdoors. Everything is going perfect so far except orange spots on my plants. (new and old leaves) 3 out of 4 plants are experiencing this kind of damage very mildly and am not really worried, the fourth plant looks extremely...
  6. Newgrowjournal

    Possible heat stress

    Hello, This is my second grow ever, first was indoor this one is outdoors. Everything is going perfect so far except orange spots on my plants. (new and old leaves) 3 out of 4 plants are experiencing this kind of damage very mildly and am not really worried, the fourth plant looks extremely...
  7. sickleaf

    lol just had to share a pic of my tiny little plants are flowering

    I have 9 "bonzai" plants in flower, this one is getting frosty... how much longer before I harvest? I'm expecting at least a pound dry haha
  8. X

    Growing Personal Plants on Medical Farm

    I've been looking everywhere to find an answer to my question but I can not seem to find anything. Anyway, in about a month I will be moving to Oregon and living on a commercial medical cannabis farm. I think they are growing 48 plants and they have patients which the plants are assigned to. So...
  9. HydroNito305

    What is the recommended amount of plants to have under each 1000w light if only vegging for 30 days?

  10. HydroNito305

    Any "1 plant per light" people here?


    Suggestions on watering outdoors while away from garden.

    What would be a good way to make sure my soil doesn't dry out too much, during the hot summers, if I have to be away for more than three days at a time? This is the main problem with where I chose to grow, I can only check on my plants once every three days. Is it even possible to grow outdoors...
  12. Newgrowjournal

    Weak Buds

    Hey there, This is my first grow ever using about 350 watts of 3000k Cfls for 1 plant that is about 22 inches tall. She is currently 5 weeks in flowering and growing fine. I won't go into more detail about nutes ph and what not because it is irrelevant to my question. To get down to it, i am...
  13. Newgrowjournal

    Weak buds

    Hey there, This is my first grow ever using about 350 watts of 3000k Cfls for 1 plant that is about 22 inches tall. She is currently 5 weeks in flowering and growing fine. I won't go into more detail about nutes ph and what not because it is irrelevant to my question. To get down to it, i am...
  14. Newgrowjournal

    Flowering plant

    Hello, This thread is in regards to to my girl in flowering. It is in the ''newbie central'' category so please forgive me if i seem ignorant in some aspects. My plant has been flowering for 37 days now and i'm a bit worried that the buds will never plump out. The main stem is pretty thick but...
  15. M

    Planting multiple seeds @ once?

    Hey guys. So, I decided the other day that I'm gonna start growing. I'm not doing it for business or anything, so I could really care less about how much I grow/how potent the strain is. I'm really just trying to pick up a new hobby and not pay for weed anymore. I figure if it grows in the wild...
  16. cap master

    to clone or not to clone?... thats the question.

    I have some 1st gen clones I got from a buddy iv had them a little over a week. these clones have stretched quite a bit. I'm wondering if theres a time where its too early to clone as u can see the lower nodes are starting to produce shoots both plants have already been topped. if I were to...
  17. Rman18

    Anyone tried these strains?

    Has anybody tried these strains? All ordered off seedsMan. Royal bluematic, chronic Ryder , purple Ryder, sweet dwarf. All auto flowers feminized.
  18. Rman18

    First grow indoor

    Hey guys, I'm about to plant my germinated seeds into 3 gallon pots tomorrow. I have, royal bluematic, sweet dwarf and purple ryder. All autoflowers... I have a grow tent 2 x 2.5 x 5.7'' . And for lighting i will be using 1 t2 1750 tasty LED. I will only have 2-3 plants going. I'm looking for...
  19. TJ baba

    Will Plant Last Until Feb. 1?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some helpful and experienced knowledge pertaining to my very 1st White Widow plant. It spent 4 weeks vegging. It's now 53 days into flowering. I've read this strain usually goes 65 days, but that not all WW are the same. So im not sure if that's a reliable basis...
  20. Rman18

    First time indoor CFL grow need advice

    Hey all! As the title pretty much explains everything. I have just ordered 12 auto flower seeds from uk seed bank. I ordered auto's due to the fast process. For my first time I feel as a smaller and faster growing plant will be better for my first time grow. So no Critism on the type I will be...