
  1. G

    Best or favorite breeders/genetics thread??

    I'm looking to start putting some seeds away for the future. Kind of like sports cards... it fascinates me. Wondering if anybody has any favorite breeders or genetics they think are on the rise? Any particular breeders worth following and if so, why? I want to support the people that have...
  2. G

    Sensi Seeds Northern Lights!

    Wondering if anyone knows a seedbank that carries the original Northern Lights by Sensi Seeds and also ships to the US??
  3. T

    Terpy Seeds bait and switch (scammer)

    I purchased 4 limited packs of seeds from This was my second time ordering from him. My first order was fine but my second order with the rare seeds were bait and switched. On 2 of the packs he cut the top of the packs off so the package still looked natural and replaced the...
  4. calvin.m16

    Miracle Alien Cookies (Can anyone get these seeds?)

    Sup dudes & dudettes looking for someone who can get the Miracle Alien Cookies strain? I'm in Michigan been looking to find a seed vendor or something that can supply me with it. I was able to grow a small plant out a long while back but since then I haven't been able to find it and the person...
  5. chicharon

    Looking for seeds

    Hey guys/gals im in Southern California could anyone provide a link to get some good seeds? Like somewhere that ships from usa i hate doing the international thing it takes to long.
  6. Team Vault

    Brexit Notice from The Ceo at The Vault

    Hi All, Just dropping in with a notice from our CEO, George, about the impact of Brexit. To read it, just go here > Thanks, Gary Eff #TeamVault
  7. Dish

    Seedsman - Zombie Death Fuck

    Anyone else giving this strain a try? The strain description and potential THC% has me SUPER excited for this one! I've got a 4-node lass I hatched from seed that just got transplanted into her "forever home" yesterday! Looks like I luckd out and bought some before they became "unavailable...
  8. ddeck96

    More seeds germinated than I needed

    So, I’m doing a 4 site RDWC grow. I didn’t want to take the chance of having not enough seeds germinate so I did 6 seeds (feminized). Guess they were good seeds cuz they all popped lol now I have two extra seedlings. Growing in a 4x4 I figure 6 plants would be a little cramped, but it would be...
  9. Ali Bongo

    2 Free Seeds with Every Order | Kannabia Seeds & Fast Buds

    Hey RIU, Hope everybody is doing well, looking forward to xmas? What are your plans? A few weeks ago I mentioned that we're offering 1 free Fast Buds seeds with any order, well, Kannabia have joined the party too meaning for ANY order of ANY amount you'll get 2 free seeds. Fast Buds...
  10. D

    HELP, I have ran into a huge issue and need your opinion!

    Well this sucks ..... Hey so I have a massive issue in my grow and would like to know what you would do... I have 8 plants in flower. 4 plants at the start of week 6 and 4 at the end of week 2 (these ones have just started to show a few pistols). While checking them last night I noticed seeds...
  11. DDub

    Nirvana helped me out...

    Long Story short my shipment got pinched or lost, I’ve ordered from Nirvana years back multiple times and never had any issues. I didn’t even ask for the replacement and I didn’t complain to them or anything. Just informed them of my situation. I know a lot of people are hard on them and they...
  12. S

    Good seedbanks (Europe)

    Anybody know some good seedbanks to order from in Europe?
  13. C

    £450 worth of cannabis seeds and merchandise to win

    Who wants to win £450 worth of cannabis seeds and merchandise???? place an order at for any amount and you will be entered CSS
  14. Ali Bongo

    NEW Fast Buds Promo - Free Seeds with EVERY Order

    Hey Roll it up, How are we all doing? We've had a pretty mental 2 weeks to be fair with Black Friday & re-opening our shop but we've found time to nail down a wicked promotion with our friends over at Fast Buds So anybody shopping for seeds with us online or instore will get 1 free seed...
  15. Ali Bongo

    Black Friday Deals 2020 @ Ali Bongo

    What's up Rollitup, hope everybody is doing well and taking it easy :) It's that time of year again, except this year tackling the nearest person to your left in a desperate bid to grab that last 98" TV or 18 part Toaster is ironically too dangerous, no matter how great the deal. :roll: In...
  16. S

    Terpene dreams

    Yooooooooooo. What up doe? How everybody doing? I’ve never tried to post a thread but I’ve received great info from this platform and figured I’d see if anybody felt like me about this topic. I wanted to get everyones opinion on the best available strains of 2020 THAT ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE...
  17. Yesyes3000

    Black Friday Seeds Thread ( post any blckfrdy sales on seeds that you know of)

    Hey everyone hope all are well. Figured I start a thread to share Black Friday sales on seeds. I know Oregon elite seeds is having some nice sales ! Please share any info thank you !
  18. Ali Bongo

    Free Shipping During UK Lockdown on everything

    What's up Rollitup, how is everybody? Unfortunately our store is closed again due to the new lockdown here in the UK, so we've made UK shipping completely free on and Click & Collect is also available if there's any local'uns (Norfolk lingo...
  19. City_Farmer

    Help help greenpointseeds grow

    Hey hoping I can get some help. I mixed up 7 bags of ffof and 3 bags of strawberry fields soil together. I had mixed 1 additional bag of "super soil organic concentrate" with a bag 0f 50/50 ffof and coco mix i had left over from popping my seeds and placing them in 1 gallon pots. My plan was to...
  20. 9

    Weed guardians family tree? not for me

    Weed guardians family trees customer service has been going south fast. Over the last 5-6 moths I’ve ordered from them way too often and every order takes longer to ship than the previous one. An order I made a month or so ago took forever to ship too. Turns out it was a presale but they didn’t...