
  1. AUTOmicroORGANICled

    Finally have a question - sex: yes please

    Greetings! Need help.................... SEX QUESTION: Alaskan Thunderfuck (photoperiod) 24/0 veg 300w led kindsoil w roots organic 6.4 flouride/chloramine free (aquagear filtered) - water only grow good airflow good temps good humidity So, I'm finally at a point where I want some...
  2. john wishmyer

    the 24k oddessey

    i finally got my 24k gold back into veg with the days finally being long enough i vegged her as a clone stuck her outside n started flower, put her under 24hrs n then put her back outside. should my side branches start to get longer once again? from the photos you can see theyre so close to the...
  3. tetrakush

    Can someone identify what is going on with my plant? (Pistils on seedling...)

    Hey guys, Not too sure what is going on with my seedling here... (pics attached below). I successfully germinated three unknown bag seeds and all have come out fairly weird. However, this one in particular has two pistils on each side just above the cotyledon leaves. I am by no means an expert...
  4. sbcomposer

    Gender - Any Guesses?

    Ive started a grow from seeds and am anxious to remove the males. These are just about 3 weeks now so may be too soon to tell?
  5. Huckster79

    Why does Cecelia's lover need to wash his face?

    Making love with Cecelia up in my bedroom, I get up to wash my face, when i come back to bed someones taken my place... So i beleive the missed question here is why the need to get right up n wash ur face??? Had Cecelia not let you know she was oozing gelatinous blood clots before you...
  6. 420XX

    Do I have balls?

    I need some knowledgeable eyes. I think I've got myself a lil stud, unless if it just looks different for whatever reason - the preflowers seemed too elliptical to be balls, but alas I haven't seen any pistils forming. Take a look please.
  7. JohnnyCypher

    Help sexing please

    Hey guys ive been waiting almost 2 weeks to see sex on 4 bagseeds and i think this is the first starting to show. Will be monitoring twice daily and will bin in 48hrs if no pistils appear. Kind worried as it looks like 2 others are starting to show similar growths. Any second opinions on this...
  8. klozetgrow

    Little help sexing

    This one I want to say is female This one hasn't shown any hairs but kinda looks spades on the knuckle both are still under 24hr light thinking the second one is male though
  9. Dr Gruber

    Matanuska Thunderfuck

    Hello, I started two seeds but one of them didn't make it so i started another a few days later. Things will be the same as usual... Promix media Jacks Classic nutes Veg under 400 MH until big enough for 800 MH Flower under 3 x 600 HPS (vertical) I've heard his one leans heavy to the Sativa...
  10. Dr Gruber

    Girl Scout Cookies-Forum---Greenthumb Seeds

    And they're off.... Hey Folks, We have 4 Dr Greenthumb, GSC just sprouted and ready for greatness. Hoping for one that has that intense gunpowder taste, which could very well be my favorite flavor. I had a great one previously but lost it when, after rooting and putting it in soil, the clone...
  11. Kenny Grows

    First Grow, Sex help

    So I'm looking at male pollen sacs right? All pics are different part of same plant. 4 days into flower of a random bag seed
  12. Msidragon

    2 month old plant not showing sex

    Just over 2 months ago I planted some bagseed 2 of the seeds turned out successful although 1 is growing much quicker than the other and started showing sex a few days ago luckily the quicker grower was female XD but the other plant still isn't showing signs of sex but the plant is growing well...
  13. ttystikk

    Marijuana users have more sex (In my best Richard Dawson bark): Survey says! Marijuana users have more sex! So what are you still doing here?! Get busy! Puts a whole new twist on the phrase 'pot head', doesn't it?
  14. NoobieDoobieDoo

    Please help Noobie grow his Doobie Snacks.

    Hey all you cool cats and chill....chihuahuas...? I am currently about to switch my plants over to flowering. These are the first two I have ever grown. I can easily confirm one of them is female as she is loaded with beautiful little frosty hairs but the other seems to be a bit more stubborn...
  15. Jefedesalto

    Sex? Is it female?? Pics Inside.

  16. Jefedesalto

    To early to sex?

    I've attached a photo. I'm new at growing and have no idea if my bag seed is male, female or a hermie. Is it still to early to tell. Please take a look at the photos and let me know. Thanks!
  17. A

    Best Strain For Sex In Female

    I am looking for a strain that will highten sexual gratification / experience and or take sex to a different level. Increasing arousal ( horniness ) would be a plus. I dont want something to put me out.
  18. Jefedesalto

    Sex my plant.

    This is a bag seed I found and planted. Can anyone tell me the sex. Here is a pic of the Pistil.
  19. O

    Male or Female?

    What's up guys... A new grower here. I found a seed a couple weeks back and decided to see how it would turn out. I need your help since I have no experience what a male or female plant looks like. Looking at other picture I have a feeling that it probably is a male but the "littel sacks"...
  20. Hed1

    sugery leafs male or female?

    got a plant das with little crystals. smells like weed, the other one das less suger but smell like a different type of weed. more like weed smell with some grass smell. im trynna figure out which one would most likely be a female and male?