
  1. D

    Use the same bag ?

    Hello , I recently bought PE from online and two grow bags from two different companies. Both bags have no growth and it’s been almost 4 weeks. Environment is good , everything was sterilized. I’m going to buy the PE agin from 2 different companies just to reduce the chances of me getting a bad...
  2. S

    From Grow-Kit to Monotub

    Hey guys, I was wondering if I can use the mycelium from a grow-kit and tranfer it into a monotub:confused: As far as I‘ve seen on YouTube you put a colonised grain bag into a monotub to get the whole thing colonised. Is there any difference if I add the cake from the grow-kit instead? The...
  3. H

    Archive Seed Bank Light Speed - First Try. At First I Didn't Care Now I Do, Help.

    I popped the seed May 20th. It's been a while and this little girl just wasn't doing anything for the longest time. The first pictures are from last Thursday... that's basically what she looked like for two weeks until her seedling leaves (I'm stoned and can't remember the name) started to die...
  4. Terp Farmer

    Shroom strains

    Was going to order some spores from sporeworks and wanted to know if anyone has a recommendation for what strain to get????
  5. athomegrowing


    The fuck is this thing, but more importantly does it work better than grow bags? I have most of the parts I need to make this thing, but would it even be worth it? Has anyone grown mushrooms hydroponically? (lol)...
  6. R

    Condensation inside grain bag.

    what’s up guys, growing GT for the first time and my patience is, to put it lightly, is being put to the test. I inoculated 2- 1lb rye grain bags with an injection port and 5mic filter with aprox.5 cc. Used the open stove process to do the inoculations. About 3days in, the bag started building...
  7. D


    Hi there i just had a quick question on my Mycelium growth. i am currently trying to colonize 3 jars its been 2 days since i put spores in them but i want to check on my jars to see the growth, they have been in the dark for the past 2 days but will bringing them out into the light to look at...
  8. JDoGG86

    What is this purple stuff.

    What should I do with these two. Iv never had those happen.
  9. Tom Tucker 313

    Mushroom colonization and yeild

    What should i use in my jars for the biggest yeilds. I plan to transfer my colonized material into totes. Also, whats the best substrate to fruit my colonized material in?
  10. cheapgrower2014

    are these magic mushrooms?

    hey guys found these mushrooms today, and didn't know if they were the psychedelic ones. don't want to poison myself lol so can anyone help me out and tell me if these are edible or bin them. ?
  11. totinospizzarolls

    Mushrooms not pinning?

    So i've already birthed my cakes that were fully colonized and put them in a grow chamber. That was about 2 weeks ago. The temperature in my room ranges from 70-75, but when it's chilly I put my heating pad below the tub to warm it up. I've also been allowing for fresh air exchange and have kept...
  12. komoshan

    fanaticus with 4oz instead of 8oz?

    anyone have experience using 4oz open mouth canning jars as opposed to the ussual 8 for the PF-Tek. any advantages/disadvantages besides yield obv? also what would be the best way to use cakes to get another substrate ready if I have to use the smaller size?
  13. Tstat

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    Im a grower by nature. Been growing hydro buds since the 80s. I'm a Deadhead and recently (last 5 years) tried shrooms again and love them. I also would like to help an addict with shrooms like I help patients who need MMJ relief. Anyway, I read a lot at Shroomery, but it's over my head and you...
  14. Mr. Bongwater

    Hs Random Jibber Jabber

    Since my last jibber jabber got deleted because some idiots were trolling me and reporting me once i got pissed, i figure i should make another one and try ignoring them this time. i always like reading trip reports share away :)
  15. kitten49

    shrooms turning yellow? halp please

    So more or less this is my first grow I'm sure I've fucked it up royally but still stuff is growing first question is, the heck is this yellow stuff and is that normal and second question alot of the mushrooms growing are covered in white fluffy stuff idk if it's mycelium but is it safe to...
  16. S

    reputable online salvia U.S.A

    Hey guys its been a long time since my last salvia extract experience and I was wanting to dip my toes back in, but my local head shops stoped carrying it. So my question is what's a reputable only salvia supplier with quality 30-40x that actually is 30x or 40x and wont rip you off that will...
  17. JDoGG86

    Quick question

    Can I eat this.?? An will it do anything.?? Also if I can eat it should I eat it now or let it dry.. To see from start to finish.. (Not finished yet).. Go here.. Thank you.
  18. JDoGG86

    First time shroom grower

    So this is my grow (pf tek) just wanting to know what you think.. Day one of inoculation...^... Day one of inoculation...^... Day 5...^... Day 5...^... I will post more progress on day ten.. Thank you for any input.. Plz no hate.
  19. kitten49

    first time growing mushrooms and confused

    so i pretty much have everything picked out but i just wanna make sure i know what im doing before i order it getting b+ from i know how to innoculate it and all that but im confused about making the grow box i have a 6.5 qt plastic shoe box i plan to put it all in but im...
  20. Q

    How many g's of shrooms is this

    Hey guys I've tripped several times on acid and one other time on around 2gs of very good shrooms that got me pretty fucked up. Anyway I was planning on tripping on shrooms tonight and I was wondering how much I should take. I'll put a picture of the bag on this post. So basically how many g's...