
  1. S

    usa based spore vendors that are still trustworthy

    Is there any good USA based spore vendors that are still trustworthy? Ones that would ship to SC and actually arrive and of good quality. I was leaning towards ralphsters or hawkseye aka, but all the older reviews from years ago seem heat but the more recent reviews are some mixed...
  2. Q

    Shroom storage

    Swim picked up some shrooms recently. Currently they are stored in a sealed zip lock bag in the woods. Can you keep shrooms stored like that without ruining them?
  3. P

    Ralphsters spores

    Hi. First time poster here. I have been talking to ralph on ralphsters spores and he said he will ship to california if blahblahblah. I was thinking hey what a nice guy this ralph is. Then i start looking on forms and people are saying they love ralph or that ralph ripped them off. One person...
  4. jimmy311

    Shroom growing on smartpot

    Hey I'm just bored here..has anyone had a shoom grow off their smart pot
  5. cap master

    DIY easy spore printing

    How to take a print: if u are planning on working with spores u must know how to print. its a great thing to keep your supply up for free. sterile conditions are a must or u will get contaminated spores. the supplies u will need are quite simple -a pair of rubber gloves -a roll of aluminum foil...
  6. cap master


  7. stutter415

    shrooms cure my stutter

    Some people are amazed when i tell them mushrooms help with my stutter.Like i can speak fluent for hours. Even when i have that after shroom buzz. Any how I've had the best times of my life on mushrooms. i've taken them up to 20 times or so kinda lost count. One time i was listening to jcole...
  8. TooBakedd

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Well I stated growing mushrooms a little while ago, I have a few cakes in my fruiting chamber right now, haven't started pinning at all yet, but should start anytime, they've been in there for 9 days now. I have a bunch more jars as well, some consolidating, some colonizing still, and 9 more...