
  1. IndigenousAlien


    Yeah, there is some crazy stuff going on this year we call 2020 (perhaps WTF? would be a more apt label?). So, I won't waste your time stating the obvious, but I do have one question regarding our president's behavior and comments... IS IT JUST ME OR DOES HE AND HIS CROONIES ACT LIKE THEY KNOW...

    Trump 'Nobody likes me' Feel free to say why you like, or don't like Donald

    Donald says nobody likes him, feel free to vent on why you think he's a stupid asshole, or whether you think the sun shines outta his. Trolls and socks welcome! Trump on Dr Fauci's popularity: 'Nobody likes me' - BBC News Donald is a malicious psychopathic moron with a professionally assessed...
  3. hanimmal

    Bi-Partisan Senate report calls for sweeping effort to stop Russian trolls on social media platforms. So with all the sock puppets running around pretending that Russia did not, and has not been systematically attacking every social media site (like, this is pretty timely report that took 2.5 years for the bi-partisan senate...
  4. hanimmal

    Trump's team is in full meltdown.

    Every since Trump messed up his 'owning the libs' by directing a subordinate to illegally withhold a whistle blower complaint, he has been on a full meltdown, tweeting conspiracy theories that his minions are out in the news spreading out so that his army of foreign trolls can use to muddy the...

    When will Donald blow and who is gonna go to jail, best guesses

    Donald is done and he might be gone sooner than expected, if Pence resigns Nancy is POTUS. She does not want the job, she wants Mike Pence to have the job until 2021. Nancy is wise, she owns Pence like Putin owns Trump and will make the bastard sign an abortion rights bill and a bunch of other...
  6. hanimmal

    Trump to get Impeachment Inquiry from Pelosi

    At 5pm it is Pelosi told a reporter she was going to announce a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump. If nothing else this will open up the final play Trump gets to see if he can somehow wiggle out of this one. I wonder what the reasons will be: -Throwing children into detention centers...
  7. hanimmal

    Biden/Warren vs. Trump/whoever 2020

    Biden is the only known candidate in 2020 that I believe is not going to trigger as many social land-mines that Trump online propaganda trolls have flooded us with, as any other candidate could. This will help the Democrats to have the best chance at winning the House (so they can continue the...
  8. hanimmal

    Corey Lewandowski House Hearing

    Aside from using this as a promotion for his senate run in 2020, it will be interesting how todays hearing goes since Lewandowski never worked for POTUS. Trump called 'absolute immunity' on a couple other guys that seems pretty flimsy if it would hold up. Mueller Report on Trump trying to get...

    Donald Trump is Destroying the Republican Party, Post examples

    Donald is doing a great job of destroying the GOP, it's like he was specifically designed for the job, like some kind a T2016 terminator.The GOP is like a carbuncle on Uncle Sam's ass getting lanced, it hurts, but it will feel much better later, unless ya get blood poisoning and die... Post...
  10. hanimmal

    James Comey Should Run for the Republican Nominee for 2020 President.

    I think James Comey should run president as a republican. He is a private citizen. Trump keeps attacking him anyway, he might as well step on stage and push back. He is a lifelong Republican. I would actually like to...
  11. hanimmal

    Do You Believe President Trump Lies? Republican Presidential Candidate Joe Walsh on Fox Business.

    The host of this show Stuart Verney seems to believe that Trump's lies are technicalities, exaggerations, and spins and not actual lies. I know this site gets trolled a lot, but I am hoping that people who actually believe that Trump does not lie to us (American Citizens) might poke their heads...
  12. DIY-HP-LED

    Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them

    Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them Rumors fly after financial giant that funded Trump's business deals finally admits it has his tax returns...
  13. Budzbuddha

    Trump ‘suggested firing nuclear weapons at hurricanes to stop them hitting US’, report claims

    As the circus continues , the POS of the United States came to the conclusion that to stop hurricanes hitting the U.S . we must use nuclear weapons ..... The source said the briefer was “knocked back on his heels” as Mr Trump went on to suggest dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of an...
  14. hanimmal

    The Epoch Times: Chinese Jesus-Freaks Want Trump to Win to Bring About a Communist Armageddon.

    Why do real stories sound like cheap trashy conspiracy magazines anymore! I saw my first ad yesterday on Youtube with some high production video on their huge poster sized flow chart of how they are spinning the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt. I was curious, but seeing a blurb on it...
  15. hanimmal

    Chuck Todd Exposes Trump's Talking Head Larry Kudlow.

    Chuck Todd was ready for Kudlow's talking points today on Meet the Press. All he did was wait for Kudlow to filibuster and follow up with the graphic/quote of what Kudlow said in the past that just made him look like a fool. These guys have no clue what they are doing.
  16. hanimmal

    Grinning MAGA kid's lawsuit got denied.

    So the judge dismissed Trace Gallagher's case it seems. Not really important, but I decided to glance at the comment section below the video. Nuts. It seems pretty obvious...
  17. hanimmal

    Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

    After being confirmed during the Mueller testimony, that Russians have indeed been interfering with our elections using all kinds of internet tools. Breaking into the DNC shows that they are perfectly ok with downloading backdoors into Americans' computers. And it is clear from the testimony...
  18. hanimmal

    Was Trump Sending a Message by Pardoning Sheriff Arpaio's? I have always worried that by pardoning Sheriff Arpaio, Trump was basically giving the green light on mistreatment of prisoners. Looks like we might get to find out since federal immigration officials just busted open a window of a car...
  19. hanimmal

    Trump: "Im the best thing to ever happen to Puerto Rico."

    In a press event with the prime minister of Pakastan, Trump goes off on the leadership of Puerto Rico and Throws the governor and mayor under the bus. But funny enough he threw himself under the bus too: Trump said their leadership at the highest levels is corrupt and incompetent! As...
  20. hanimmal

    Thank you Trump!

    For real, this is still America, and like it or not this dude is our president. So I figured I would start a list of all the things I am grateful for that we would not have without Trump. Ill update the list in the post below this one. Thank you Trump for showing me why it is so...