
  1. MistaRasta

    Trump's thoughts on Las Vegas shooting..

    “Look, we have a tragedy,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart for Puerto Rico, where he is set to survey the storm-damaged island. “And what happened in Las Vegas is, in many ways, a miracle. The police department has done such an incredible job.” Here's a link (below) to the site...
  2. TacoMac

    Trump is NOW under investigation

    Here we go, sports fans:
  3. dagwood45431

    Stupid Looking Fuckers

  4. ttystikk

    Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

    ... And herr Chumpster Fuhrer fell for it, hook, line and sinker! Think for just a moment; Bashar Al Assad is WINNING, so why the fuck would he use chemical weapons, especially against civilians? Answer; he wouldn't; but the rebels, who are desperate for someone to come save them, certainly...
  5. ttystikk

    Lloyd sets dumpster on fire in front of convenience store run by 'Muslims' US man sets Florida store on fire to keep 'Arabs out' Police charge 64-year-old man with arson after he attempted to light shop ablaze to 'run the Arabs out of our country'. Prosecutors will...
  6. choomer

    Wisconsin is under Russian influence

    I hate to say it, but those damned Ruskies have taken over Wisconsin. With the recount results the only way to make it clearer would be for Wisc. cheese to have cryllic labeling. According to some that must be what happened because the recount effort (costing ~$3.5M) has come back confirming...
  7. Rizlared

    How the left won the election for trump...from a lefty

    Jonathan Pie is a character created by a British actor/comedian I've followed for some time now. Unashamedly left in his political views Here's his opinion on how the left won the election for trump. Listen to this, then read the pro Clinton brigade in the 'Clinton can't be trusted thread...
  8. SneekyNinja

    Newt: "It was a great campaign device"

    Newt Gingrich admits Trump will monitor border closely, but wall was just a "great campaign device". Obamacare won't be repealed but amended and improved upon. So how do all the Trump supporters feel now that they realise they've been cucked?
  9. esh dov ets

    why be happy about having Trump?

    Tell us why you are excited. What good are you expecting to come from the president elect in the next 4-8 years to forever. I don't understand and I want to be optimistic.
  10. Johnny_DankCo

    How does this make you feel poll

  11. Uberknot

    Trump spent $55K in campaign money to buy his own book — which is probably illegal

    Interesting...the Gift that keeps on Giving..........Better than the Energizer Bunny......Keeps going and going...:blsmoke: "Donald Trump may have broken the law by using campaign donations to buy thousands of copies of his own book at retail cost. His campaign raised eyebrows this week when a...
  12. Uberknot

    A Full List of Donald ( Flip Flopper ) Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

    IMMIGRATION 1. Build a wall, deport all undocumented immigrants. At the core of Donald Trump's campaign is a promise to build a wall across the United States' southern border and deport the country's 11 million undocumented immigrants with the help of a "deportation force." 2. Deport all...
  13. Chunky Stool

    fried balls

    I'm doing my own political poll. This one will test your dedication...
  14. Uberknot

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign By JEFF HORWITZ and CHAD DAY Aug. 18, 2016 9:32 PM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) — A firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to...
  15. Chunky Stool

    dick pic trump mosaic

  16. Uberknot

    Donald Trump raped teenaged girls and then Covered it up.

    In late April 2016, rumors began to circulate online holding that Republican presidential Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl. One of the earliest versions of the rumor was published on 2 May 2016 by the Winning Democrats web site, which reported that...
  17. S

    Writer of Art of the Deal speaks out

    Great interview with the guy who WROTE "The Art of the Deal". Excerpt: The Art of Regret Mr. Schwartz, a former magazine writer who said he worked on the book because he needed the money, told the writer Jane Mayer that he painted Mr. Drumpf in the most positive light that he could, thinking...
  18. bro54209

    6 Week Flower wholly dankness, flushed only once :O

    6 week flower -> ~20% amber, ~3 days ago fed light (1tsp big bloom, 1 Epsom and 1 gypsum) realized it was frosting- flushed it a few times in an hr, now soil is dry. Wanted to flush for 1~2 weeks but its ripe already, how should I go about prioritizing; amber%, salt buildups, and dryness of soil...