
  1. Everett42faulty

    Over watered . . . Please help

    I have some ladies 3 and a half weeks into flower and im afraid iv overwatered them there in a five gallon pot (home depot bucket) with dirt/cocos mixtre of hp 1 bail to half a bag a pea size perlite im giving them house and garden A&B (Aqua flakes) atm it was taking 1 gallon every 48 hours no...
  2. T.C. Bosby

    RO Water Filtration Systems?

    Any recommendations for a reverse osmosis system? I'd need enough water for my plants in a 3'x3' tent, and my wife uses the water for her 4 x tomato plants. I thought I could just keep buying the filtered water from the store, but that's adding up pretty quick, and water is included in my rent...
  3. Alec420

    SILICA questions

    How long does silica take to start working? How often should someone add silica? Whats the most efficient use of silica, in other words whats minimum dosage to be effective? Is it bad to add silica every watering and feed?
  4. sunchild_sc

    Feed Reservoir Help!

    Hey, So its been just under 4 weeks since I received my clones from a friend and they are growing lovely. I am now looking to start using nutrients as I've just been using bottled water up until now. My question was, I have a 5 gallon bucket with a pump I wanted to use as a reservoir for feed...
  5. Mashoe

    Help a brother out with a ph mystery

    K so lately I've been trying to really science up my grow skills and I'm running into a ph problem in my res and I'm not even doing true hydro! I've got raised soil beds that I'm hand watering with a pump and wand and I've been noticing something I'll mix my res (proper order to minimize...
  6. MarcMellow

    Water Consumption by Plants

    I am putting together a greenhouse grow plan and I am having lots of trouble solving my water problems. I am hoping there are some people here with the answers! Due to state laws, I cannot use well water unless I have water rights, so I will only be using rainwater until I can get those...
  7. Alec420

    Coco + Fox Farm

    Im on my second grow. using LED. Still trying to figure out the whole nutrient situation. Do I feed only once a week? People always say feed every other watering... I don't know what that means?!? how often should I use cal-mag, little during Veg, increase during Flower?
  8. Uberknot

    Questions using RO water and soilless mix.

    Basically this type of mix doesn't come with any nutrients or fertilizer right? If you use RO water with this type of soil would you use a lower dose of liquid fertilizer every time you water? Or would you use it like the directions say every 1 2 3 etc. weeks? Just starting to think about...
  9. K

    Water cloning help?

    Hey guys, I did my first attempt at cloning in water, and think I have a problem. I had the stems pretty far in the water so I have roots growing pretty high up the stem. Is it possible to cut part of the lower stem off so I don't have to plant the clone so deep in the soil. I have a picture of...
  10. T.C. Bosby

    Keeping Your Tent Clean While Scrogging

    Dumb question coming right up. To those of you who scrog, how do you keep your tent clean after watering? Since you can't take the plants out, do you have them elevated in someway with a tray underneath that can be taken out and cleaned?
  11. H

    Glass Lot for Sale Including Steve Beer and Mako

    Today I have a Lot of high end american glass for sale 1. steve beer pendant $125 2. Mako pendant $150 3. Helix Mini Bubbler $100 4. No name dish and wand $50 5. No name 14/18 Quartz banger $25 6. Sesh Supply 14mm Quartz banger $25
  12. Mateuszpl

    Where do you get your water from?

    Where does everyone get water from? I purchase distilled water. Was wondering if any good filters that anyone recommends.
  13. TwistedLove


    This is my first grow...I'm using dwc...my question is...once the roots grow into the water do I keep the water at the same hight or start lowering it?
  14. bro54209

    6 Week Flower wholly dankness, flushed only once :O

    6 week flower -> ~20% amber, ~3 days ago fed light (1tsp big bloom, 1 Epsom and 1 gypsum) realized it was frosting- flushed it a few times in an hr, now soil is dry. Wanted to flush for 1~2 weeks but its ripe already, how should I go about prioritizing; amber%, salt buildups, and dryness of soil...
  15. mean.green

    Young plant problem

    I ran out of water while trying to transplant two small plants from a solo cup to a 3 gallon container. I only had enough water to transplant one plant. Do I still need to give my plants chlorine free tap water (water sitting at room temp for 24 hours)? Or can i just give them straight ph...
  16. mean.green

    Suggestions on watering outdoors while away from garden.

    What would be a good way to make sure my soil doesn't dry out too much, during the hot summers, if I have to be away for more than three days at a time? This is the main problem with where I chose to grow, I can only check on my plants once every three days. Is it even possible to grow outdoors...
  17. W

    Blue Mystic Auto Space Bucket Seedling Water Problems or Light Burn?

    Hey guys, here are the details of my grow: First time grower Strain: Nirvana Blue Mystic Fem Auto Room: Space Bucket Temp: Usually around 25 degrees C Humidity: Currently just over 40, can get up between 50 and 60 Airflow: 2 computer fans, one on the plant, one exhaust next to...
  18. Growillanugs

    P.H Questions, Like how does nutrients affect P.H

    So my filtered tap water is PH'D at 6.5-7 And when i add 1.5 ML of general hydroponics micro flora it goes to 7 So I've been testing the run off and the past couple of waters runoff been 5.5 - 6 So im wondering does nutrients make the soil acidic over time? and what can i do to raise this...
  19. F

    (Fresh) Tap Water and Hempy?

    I have previous "experience" growing organic in soil and I am about to switch to Hempy/Hydro with Perlite, Vermiculite or Coco. As most will usually do when they grow, they leave tap water out for at least 24hrs to let the chlorine evaporate. In an organic grow, I can see the chlorine really...
  20. MickeyMFNMouse

    Need all the best tips I can get for first time grow

    Hey guys, I'm new here and decided that maybe everyone could post some REALLY GOOD TIPS for first time growing. And I figure other people looking for tips as well could find this. So to start out and keep this brief, one day I got the cool idea to take some seeds from the last of my reggie and...