yet another 'name my dog' thread


Well-Known Member
just got back from checking out some dachshund/corgi mix puppies. we decided we are gonna get one to serve as the alert/alarm dog, a small yappy companion to wake up our gigantic guard dog.


the one we're getting looks like this guy, but with a few more white markings on her paws and head.

i had a few names in mind and wanted to unleash the creativity of RIU on the task.

so far:


a name like shitcock is off the table as i will have to call this thing in public often.
a girl right

we need a black girl name the more extreme the better
Ripper. Make sure everybody in the neighborhood knows it too. Maybe her full name could be Mini Ripperton, Mini (like the British-German car / Corgi-dachshund) could be her at-home name but you could call her Ripper when punks are around.
i like ripper as a name, actually.

that's on the list.

sorry, sunni. can't be naming something with such small boobies after someone with such ample, lovely, motorboatable boobies.