Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pap.

I got myself some Brown first beers in a long while.

Check it out: I cannot find my hash bags. What a stoner problem, eh?

I just need to search the garage...again. Fark!

Have a great time tonight!



Well-Known Member


One of my favorite of the Founding Fathers is Benjamin Franklin.

Trust me bros, if he were alive today, then he'd be the best person
to party with alive. He was brilliant, but knew how to enjoy life.

He is quoted as saying that beer is proof that God loves Man and
wants him to be happy.

...and he would be growing dank today, I would bet my bottom dollar!

Have fun all!



Well-Known Member
OK, that was fun. :0)

I am ending Week 7 for the CVMMs and Somango.

We are about two weeks away from the opening of the harvest window.

I may not be waiting as long on these ladies as I might like. I just have so
many plants dying to get started. Not to worry, as I know Somango, and
am seeing the secondary indicators that I want to see (the pistils are turning
and the bud leaves are beginning to darken...this one gets very pretty ;0)

Onward and upward,


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Newcastle brown ale loooool....

can you get London pride its the best imho...

that purple wreck don't look happy man. .you have to learn to tame her you've been battling with her fir a while now.....remember purple strains can grow slowly may have to slow feeding right down to get her on she in a material pot hempy?.....

somango does look very very nice.

that blue dreams a monster....

not to keen on the cv mix, i just ain't feeling the look of the buds....

so did you let that purple berry bc go???

hows the smell on the lemon Thai....


Well-Known Member
Newcastle brown ale loooool....

can you get London pride its the best imho...

I will look for it

that purple wreck don't look happy man. .you have to learn to tame her you've been battling with her fir a while now.....remember purple strains can grow slowly may have to slow feeding right down to get her on she in a material pot hempy?.....

I understand. This is what I am working on. I just need to
take some time and focus on some experiment. It will help
when I have a few going. I have clones in the BST. I do have
it in a smart pot, in hempy material. I rinsed the roots to, as
I wanted to be able to more directly tweak her.

As I wrote, she has gotten more and more green in her trunk.
I want to check the pH of her runoff too.

I am going to be patient with this one.

somango does look very very nice.

Thanks! It is currently my only serious keeper. I am
very hopeful that my other Soma breed, Lavender, pops
out of the soil. It is getting to be too long a wait...

that blue dreams a monster....

Yes, it is, and the Lemon Thai Kush is ending
stronger and stronger too.

not to keen on the cv mix, i just ain't feeling the look of the buds....

TBH, I am not at all certain either. The funny thing is that the dark horses,
the smaller purple-slow-grower and the once-fastest-now-smallest green plant,
might end up the most interesting. The one has purpling buds and the
other is really putting some weight onto what appeared to be turning
out to be a scrawny plant.

so did you let that purple berry bc go???

Yup. The smoke just could not defend saving it. The coloration was top notch though...

hows the smell on the lemon Thai....

Well, I did crush a "truck flower" as you suggested and I am not
getting too much lemon yet....but I am also getting the strong impression
that I am seeing a late/strong finish, so the jury must be out on this one.
I really appreciate your taking the time.



Well-Known Member
Fucking shit.

I decided to dig up the Lavender bean, to see what
might be going on, and it looked as if it was trying
to grow and had popped.

...but then I actually saw a larvae crawling on it.

Fucking gnats. I get everything but them.

It seems that they are rarely an issue, for me, in
that they do not swarm, appear on buds, or affect
my activities in any great way, but on this occasion
it seems like they found a sprout too soon.

I used nematodes in all my larger efforts, but this
is the seed tray.

QUESTION: What sort of soil drench will kill gnat larvae but not sprouts?

I need to find this.

I also need to clean and control my grow area better.

Fungi are designed to deal with contams, if properly set up,
but the dirty man-cave is not perfect for plants.

Not to worry, all other efforts proceed. I am trying to see
if the bean wants to try again in a new home.



Well-Known Member
happy new year JD! everything looks fucking great, but that veg cab bro; my o my! keep up the hard work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro. I appreciate you stopping by.

LOL. I have been poking at and working on the Veg plants
more than the flowering ones.

I am getting close to swapping out the first plants from the
current crop, to let some new plants get started.

Two of the CVMMs are a bit runty and if/when they start to
show some age, then they will go.

The Dog and Cheese Surprise really need to get started, and
the TGAs are exploding too (Plushberry and AOS)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I just checked and the trichs are saying that I can chop the purple CVMM when needed,
as they are few clears left. Almost all cloudy, and I want a few ambers...

Soon. :0)



Well-Known Member
dang its already that time! Guess times been flying faster then I even realized! How she smelling friend?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pap.

The CVMMs have been fun. I think that I prefer growing known
genetics, but this has been interesting.

I am sure that the smoke will be decent. They are nicely frosty.

I am looking forward to getting the BB plants flowering too.

have a great day!



Well-Known Member
Thanks Swag. It is good to have you here.

I will be putting at least one, and maybe two new plants into the
flowering tent this evening.

I am spraying down the Veg area with Fertilome Triple Action Plus III
today, and I will be up-potting everything in the seed tray.

Then I will be giving the seed tray a drench with Spinosad.

I will be testing whether the remaining clones survive the experience.

I need to confirm that my seed tray is not hosting gnat larvae, and if
I lose a few clones, then none will be critical and all be be re-taken.



Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Happy Football Day to those in the US.

Happy American Football (Stuff it!) Day elsewhere.

I did pull the CVMMs last night....too many good genes
needing to get started, and I was pretty sure that I was
not going to get a yield worth waiting for.

The Blue Dream is a much better example of something
that is going to put on serious weight.


The three plants that got the nod were The Dog, Sour Cherry #1, and Cheese Surprise:
The Dog is buried...I will lift it.

Cheese Surprise has really been patient and has a great root set....these
all do by now. I have high hopes.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I gave the Green Crack it's second trim. Four nodes now.

...microscopic though they are now. :0)


Take care all,



Well-Known Member
It's a Girl!

I noticed anthers on my Apollo X Vortex:

The Jilly Bean has a week on it, but no hairs....on ball watch now...

Onward and upward,
