• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

Greatest I am

Active Member
Woman is the root cause ofall of man’s and God’s woes.

It is not woman’s fault. It isGod’s for creating her as is.

Why are human women sodevastating to God’s reproductive and sexual restraint?

God cannot reproduce pure yetseems to have all the equipment required to do so, --- with humans. Ratherhandy that. He also passes on those traits to his Sons of God and possibly toangels as Satan is depicted with obvious female sexual and reproductiveequipment. These have used their equipment well and made God many Grandchildren.These, the happy Grandfather had to drown. For some reason, --- they all comeout evil. It must be something in the blood. Evil just like their Grandfather,who had already reproduced with a human to make Jesus.

Those who believe in theTrinity gibberish must contend with knowing that God planned on extra speciesintercourse with humans before he even created us. Today we think that that bestialityis evil but I guess we are all wrong. God must be right and bestiality must begood. That is sick. But that aside.

I can understand my own, sometimesout of control passion for women. I am just a man who is good today but who hasbeen less so. I have repented. What I cannot understand is why God would havebuilt that, --- out of control desire, --- into his own nature and why he ispassing it on to all of his God damned Sons of God. This then forces him to usegenocide on us poor and pure humans, --- as a collateral damage as he eliminateshis own hated progeny and Grandchildren.

Just a reminder for God.
Insanity: doing the samething over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, toreceive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and forthy pleasure they are and were created.

If I could face our God, Iwould ask him one question about that creating for his pleasure clause. I would preface with; I know that human womenare the best for sexual pleasures for you and your Sons of God, ---and thenwould ask, ---- but do you have to keep using genocide on yourGrandchildren and human?

I cannot ask him why he isbeing so vile but can ask here to see if anyone knows why God made our humanwomen the greatest sex toy in the universe for men as well as for his Sons ofGod, --- and why that desire that God himself has, --- causes him to killhumans and his Grandchildren?

God has a problem. Women arethe root of that problem.

Woman is thus the root causeof all of man’s and God’s woes.

How can we help God get overhis reproductive and sexual fixation on our women and ease his wrath againsthis own Grandchildren and stop him from his next genocide of mankind?




Well-Known Member
Women are just doing what comes natural to them; men have sexual desires and women also have sexual desires too. Its the sexuality part of humanity that produces offspring and thus the continuation of our species. If both men and women had no sexual desires then the human race would go extinct in a few hundred years or less.

Women are not the problem and men are not the problem, our sexuality is not the problem; the problem is certain individuals that dont know how to control their sexualality- like rapists and pedophiles and what not.

Sex is a natural phenomena, given to us by God or maybe its just evolution as some believe.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
This is because men are superior to women. Bro's before hoes home slice. All the way. Bitches be trippin'. They fuckin cry waaaaaay too much, and bitch about stupid shit. Sometimes i don't feel like changing the roll of toilet paper, or washing the dishes, those are women jobs anyways. I fix the car, and shovel the damn snow, man shit, that's what we do.


Well-Known Member
I think the OP hates women, and quite possibly may have never been with a woman....
I will say...
Eve tempted Adam [if there was an Adam n Eve] not with an apple or fruit... it was the forbidden fruit...
Sex yes, Eve temped Adam with the forbidden fruit, SEX, and Man has never been the same....
They were offered everlasting life, if they didn't partake in Sex.... The forbidden fruit...
Once they started having sex, all hell so to speak brakes loose... haaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
This is because men are superior to women. Bro's before hoes home slice. All the way. Bitches be trippin'. They fuckin cry waaaaaay too much, and bitch about stupid shit. Sometimes i don't feel like changing the roll of toilet paper, or washing the dishes, those are women jobs anyways. I fix the car, and shovel the damn snow, man shit, that's what we do.
Hilarious! I assume this post is satire, but it made me laugh either way. I've been married twice, and have been in a half dozen relationships where we contemplated marriage. I try to rid myself of any misogyny, but it can be challenging. Bitches be trippin', indeed...

Greatest I am

Active Member
Women are just doing what comes natural to them; men have sexual desires and women also have sexual desires too. Its the sexuality part of humanity that produces offspring and thus the continuation of our species. If both men and women had no sexual desires then the human race would go extinct in a few hundred years or less.

Women are not the problem and men are not the problem, our sexuality is not the problem; the problem is certain individuals that dont know how to control their sexualality- like rapists and pedophiles and what not.

Sex is a natural phenomena, given to us by God or maybe its just evolution as some believe.

Definitely evolution at work yet men do not initiate any rites of passage or other training for the young.

Men do no seem to plan very far ahead.


Greatest I am

Active Member
This is because men are superior to women. Bro's before hoes home slice. All the way. Bitches be trippin'. They fuckin cry waaaaaay too much, and bitch about stupid shit. Sometimes i don't feel like changing the roll of toilet paper, or washing the dishes, those are women jobs anyways. I fix the car, and shovel the damn snow, man shit, that's what we do.
Ya, ya. Man shit.



Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Hilarious! I assume this post is satire, but it made me laugh either way. I've been married twice, and have been in a half dozen relationships where we contemplated marriage. I try to rid myself of any misogyny, but it can be challenging. Bitches be trippin', indeed...
Hehehehe!!! I totally believe in equality for all human animals, but it is soooo funny how much it gets under my girlfriends skin and other girls when i joke around about men being better than them. And it is sooooo funny to watch how they react!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hehehehe!!! I totally believe in equality for all human animals, but it is soooo funny how much it gets under my girlfriends skin and other girls when i joke around about men being better than them. And it is sooooo funny to watch how they react!!!!
Yep. Easiest buttons ever to push ;)


Active Member
Yeah, they're pretty predictable with that kinda stuff. Try telling them that you'll put the commode seat down for them when they leave it up for you. That one goes over real good too. hahahehe.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
One of my favorites is to calmly say in the presence of a women, when i am talking to a man, and she interrupts or says something off topic... i say to my buddy "wait, wait, hold up man... now where was it that women belong? Where was it again?" Friend: "The kitchen!!!" Me: "Ahhhh yes that's where it is!!!"


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're pretty predictable with that kinda stuff. Try telling them that you'll put the commode seat down for them when they leave it up for you. That one goes over real good too. hahahehe.
That reminds me of this one time, when went to my best buddies house to stay for a day or two. I had just got done taking a piss, and she comes out of the bathroom with an attitude and says "ok, who the hell went to the bathroom last?!" My friend looks at me, with a worried look on his face. I said, "uhhhh, yeah, that was me" She was like "Well next time you get done you need to put the seat down do you understand?!" I then said "Ok... ok, now wait just a minute... why don't we make a deal here, i tell ya what, i promise after every time i get done going to the bathroom ill put the seat up, but only if you promise you'll put the seat down after every time you get done going to the bathroom."

My friend looked at me like he had seen a ghost, his girlfriend looked at me like she wanted to shove a spear up through my ass and out my mouth.... and i put my hands behind my head, laaaayed back on the recliner, and gave her a sarcastic smirk.

She has hated me ever since. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
That reminds me of this one time, when went to my best buddies house to stay for a day or two. I had just got done taking a piss, and she comes out of the bathroom with an attitude and says "ok, who the hell went to the bathroom last?!" My friend looks at me, with a worried look on his face. I said, "uhhhh, yeah, that was me" She was like "Well next time you get done you need to put the seat down do you understand?!" I then said "Ok... ok, now wait just a minute... why don't we make a deal here, i tell ya what, i promise after every time i get done going to the bathroom ill put the seat up, but only if you promise you'll put the seat down after every time you get done going to the bathroom."

My friend looked at me like he had seen a ghost, his girlfriend looked at me like she wanted to shove a spear up through my ass and out my mouth.... and i put my hands behind my head, laaaayed back on the recliner, and gave her a sarcastic smirk.

She has hated me ever since. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah they're "funny" like that. "Funny" crazy not "funny" haha. I've never understood why they seem to find it so difficult to find humor in their actions.


Well-Known Member
The evolution of woman is similar to that of the dog

when folk were cavemen and cavewomen they would club each other over the head it was part of the mating ritual
from a distance a man and woman with long hair would look similar
if you had taken the trouble to bash them over the head and they turn out male i doubt you would of wasted the opportunity in those days
simply flip them over and use the arse instead, i think all cavemen must of been bisexual

women being weaker than men would of got raped more often as they cant run as fast either
so just like the wolf became the dog
cavewomen evolved to become placid to survive
they learned to suck cock without biting the end off for example
survival of the friendliest worked for both dogs and women

if you search hard enough you may find a woman that is almost as loyal as a dog


Greatest I am

Active Member
yeah you cant just blame everything on women, our world is fucked thanks to a bunch of old rich men
No one has blamed woman for anything other than being women.

It is men's reaction to them that need work.

Men have forgotten to pass down the sense of duty we have to women to the next generation.

Shame on us.


Greatest I am

Active Member
The evolution of woman is similar to that of the dog

when folk were cavemen and cavewomen they would club each other over the head it was part of the mating ritual
from a distance a man and woman with long hair would look similar
if you had taken the trouble to bash them over the head and they turn out male i doubt you would of wasted the opportunity in those days
simply flip them over and use the arse instead, i think all cavemen must of been bisexual

women being weaker than men would of got raped more often as they cant run as fast either
so just like the wolf became the dog
cavewomen evolved to become placid to survive
they learned to suck cock without biting the end off for example
survival of the friendliest worked for both dogs and women

if you search hard enough you may find a woman that is almost as loyal as a dog

I can understand why you had problems finding a loyal mate.
