Don't you just hate thieves?


Well-Known Member
Due to excruciating pain in my knees, fingers, shoulders, elbows, knuckles and neck i take 2 - 3 10mg Hydrocodone (lortabs) a day. On a good day i'll take 0-1 tabs of Kratom (just like hydrocodone) If i don't have the kratom, i'll just take the hydrocodone.

Well, the person i'll call Mr. A came in to wait on Ms B to get off work. Well, he came in while i was leaving to go take my grandmother to the store. Well, before i left, i put my pills in a new place and a in a certain position (because i knew how he was). I Got home and my knee was killing me, i went to take a pill and the bottle was the opposite way from the way i had it. I Open the bottle of a new prescription of 60 pills i just got refiled and way over half is gone.. I Just counted it up from the date they were refilled to now in there is definitely more than a few gone.

It's my fault because i should of put them in my pocket before i left. The only person i can be mad at is myself, but i still hate thieves! If he would just ask me if i had a couple spare pain pills he could take, i would be been more than willing to give him a few. But taking more than half the bottle is unacceptable, but i can't be upset at nobody but myself.

But ill fix ass up for next time though! I'll get me a bunch of water pills and put them in a empty bottle of hydrocodone. lol

If you must know, i'm 32 with mild-severe osteoarthritis (i'll have good days and bad days...). And no, pot (well at least what i smoke) doesn't help with the pain at all.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem with opiate addictions..

You simply don't give a shit, but yet we are the bad people with the cannabis...

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I would think very seriously about getting my hands on something like some LSD or PCP or some other letter drug and dip some of the pills in it, and watch the fun!


Well-Known Member
i got robbed by some contractors i had working at my house in the states over the summer. shit sucks. you feel so violated and all you wanna do is get them back. they took some cash, weed, an ar-15 and the case for it, and a watch of mine. i was so pissed. lawyers and police are dealing with it now. i never told anyone about the weed and cash that went missing. they ended up mentioning it to the cops like idiots and that got them arrested. now it's in the courts cause of the gun.


Well-Known Member
Um, you might wanna secure that weapon soldier.
i know. they caught me at the perfect time. the gun was in my gun room on the vice cause i was working on it. i had 2 jars of weed sitting out on the desk. they were only in that room once and everything was in the safe with all of my guns so they never saw it. they robbed me on friday afternoon when i ran to the store and the atm. they were done with the project and i had just paid them. i ran out 2 hours later and was only gone about 30 minutes. i live in a nice area and i have 3 acres so my house is pretty private. only 4 homes on my whole road so no one could see anything. i was careless and left my garage door to the house unlocked; i just closed the big door. by the time i got back they went through my house and grabbed that stuff. it was around 7:30pm.

i still don't know how they got in. they didn't know the code to get in my garage and there's no way they got a key. all the other door were locked unless they left a window open. that what makes me think they got in through the garage somehow. and they lived about 45 minutes away so did they wait that entire time? shady.

and the crazy thing is the stuff they took. the gun and the case were pretty big. then they grabbed 1 of 4 watches in my winder, 2 big jars of bud, and cash from my desk drawer. they left the other 3 watches, a new macbook pro, an alienware laptop, iPads, and iPhone, iPods, and tons of other shit.

rippers blow!


Well-Known Member
sounds like mr a and ms b set you up. did ms b know you just got the refill.
Naw.... Ms. B is my mom and Mr. A is her husband. My mother works real close to me so she usually comes by to eat launch when she has a 30 min launch break. My mother husband had to take my mother to work because he had an appointment somewhere. After the appointment instead of driving all the way back home then had to drive all the way back and pick my mother up in a couple of hours, he just came by the house and waited for her to get off work.

My mother is clean, she wont even take an aspirin for a headache. I've tried to get he to take one of my pain pills when she was down with her back for about a week.