Hydro Nutrient Challenge

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Well-Known Member
Sounds fun, I'd like to, but I can't devote the space or time. I gotta keep the meds coming.

One thought, you might want to use a stabilized strain, results are really going to vary, using an F2 hybrid.

I'm subscribed.


Well-Known Member
I've been in the hospital fro a couple of days,
pancreatitus flare up,
can only be dealt with by using opiates,
and they really do suck.

Hope I'm back for a while.........

I changed the rules,
any type hydro
and type light.
Must use hydro nutes,
have pH meter,
show grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm in no position to compete, but I will be watching this thread very closely as I am a DWC guy.

So I guess we should be expecting categories, e.g., best dwc, custom, all-around, etc.

Maybe you should get CFL growers to take part and have a separate category for them as well? (Not trying to jack your idea, but if you're going to allow all hydro setups you might as well try to get CFL results also)
You are right,
we have six months to find all the growers,
then decide who's grows are best to compare,
by categorizing the types of grows we have.

So go ahead and try to meet the challenge requirements,
between now and jan 1,
and by dec,
we should have the ability to categorize
cab grows with hid from cab grows with floros,
table grows,
DWC, vs Aero, etc...........

Also some growers are already finding a couple of easily regocnizable phenotype expressions,
so we may be able to get some close to the same pheno types,
if we have enough growers.

as of today:
















Here is some post by johnnypotseed,
who is growing the WC right now.

Johnnypotseed said:
06/21/08 Widow Cindy's after transplant into 2 gal bags. They're 23 days into veg now. I'm seeing two phenotypes thus far. Earl, which is which? I mean would WW or PC be taller and bushier? I have my guesses as to where the most Thai is but it's a tough call right now.

06/23/08 Well, I put all the big pheno into bud today. They're taller than I even thought. Including the 11" tall bags they are 29" tall. I can go up to about 55" max. The light goes up to 60" so I have to think about topping today or tomorrow at the latest. What do you think Earl? They've got 12-13 nodes above soil maybe 2-3 nodes below soil. I'm no good at early sexing so I have no idea about that. I'm chopping the runt due to space, it's only got 4 nodes total and I cannot imagine it being worth the effort

06/24/08 I did some stem rubbing. The small pheno has 1 that smells like grass, 1 that smells like skunk, the other three smell like grapes. The large pheno has more mixed smells. The male smells like grapes big time. The one behind it has a good mix of grape and skunk smells, the other three a have similar mixed smell, not quite as strong smelling as the first two but stronger than the small pheno. I think I'm liking the big pheno better. They have seemed to have a stronger immune system as well as being the best looking and smelling of the bunch.

06/27/08 Clones were taken last night and today. Six of the big female Cobalt Candy, six of the big WidowCindy male? I'm starting to think maybe female! That would be so cool. And three of each of the rest of the medium pheno WC's. That's right medium pheno, the bigger one took off and grew seven inches in the past 2 days while the others have grown one inch. The big one is the best looking plant by far, I should have taken pics before I cut all the clones.


Well-Known Member
I need everybody's help.

If you have been qualified
Please post the following.

If you are not qualified yet,

I would like for the qualified challengers to post:
The hydro method,
the nutrient system
and any additives,
that they plan to use during the challenge.

Please, keep no secrets,
if you feel you need to keep your growing method secret,
please withdraw, or do not enter.

If you use foliar sprays, or molasses, or whatever......
we need to know.

If you use H2o2 we need to know.

I will post an example
of the nutrients I am going to use
and all of the additives.

Please follow my example,
so we can easily compare with each other.

You may modify your additives up to
and during the grow, with disclosure of course,
but not the base nutes, that you list here.

You must be committed to using the base nutes you state here now
by posting in this thread.

All RUI challenge members will be keeping individual picture grow logs
in the Grow-Journals Forum

If you do not know how to post your pix to photobucket,
let me know,
so I can be sure
you are able to
picture post your grofile.


Well-Known Member
im going 3 part general hydroponics but i am using the lucas formula
just straight up dwc. no secrets or additives
i can go scrog ... but if u dont want me to i wont
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Well-Known Member
I will grow Hempy Bucket
using Advanced Nutrient system,
Sensigrow and Connoisseur as the base nutrients.

I may use the following additives.

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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I will grow Hempy Method, topping and SCROG.

I'm using ALL Dutch Master Nutrients.

Base nutes:
Gold Grow Part A & B
Gold Flower Part A & B

Max Grow
Max Flower

No foliar feeding.
Will only spray if bug problem presents.

Hempy medium will be either 100% perlite or a mix of Perlite / Coco (I'm still experimenting with a mix I like)


Well-Known Member
I will be growing drip style with DM gold serious. I will also be using liquid light and penetratror. for seconddary nutes. I will use DM max grow and flower with zone and silica and during flower I will also use heavy weight sound good?


Well-Known Member
I can match your nutes and additives pigpen,
I'll do it in a DWC.

DM Gold Grow A & B
DM Gold Flower A & B
Liquid Light/Penetrator,
AN Barricade for silica
I don't have heavy weight, is that DM?

Is this the system you are using?


Well-Known Member
If you are using DM gold system.

If you have purchased Max-FX you have the wrong product,
and you need to return it if at all possible.

MAX-FX is a unique foliar spray
that delivers Amino Acids and complex carbohydrates.

The additive you need is MAX

Dutch Master Steve Erwin type voice over said:
"MAX unique ability to create specialized nutrient sinks within the plant.

These specialized reservoirs of nutrients
allow the plant to maintain full accelerated growth paterns
if the supply from the roots becomes comprimised in any way.

Max is also perfect if you want to maintain your flowers in peak condition.

The specialized nutrient sinks allow your flowers
to remain in their peak state for longer,
bursting with freshness and color."
MAX is not the same product as Max-fx

Don't get the two confused,
or you will be adding foliar concentrate,
to your nutrient solution, wot ay waiste....

Here are the 9 bottles you should have on your shelf.
use nothing more,
if you are using the DM GOLD.

Two parts of grow A & B(two bottles)

Two parts of Flower A & B(two bottles)

MAX, which you will add to your rez,
at each change out.(1 bottle)

ZONE, which you will add to your rez each change out.(1 bottle)

Liquid Light, which you will foliar spray
every few days,
along with Penetrator.

I also recommend Reverse/Penetrator during the first two weeks of 12/12.

This should be all the nutes you are using
If you are going with the DM Gold System.

No other additives are required, or recommended.


Well-Known Member
yep thats all i have I ment max grow for the res not the foliar spray. I was thinking of getting reverse 2 guess I will
the only thing I think you left out is the silica
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