Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member
Allright sweetie, heres what were gonna do. We, and i mean yourselves and I , we are going to try something, and I am going to go real slow. It may hurt a little at first, but i promise, you will love it.

Dont you wanna manke me happy? If you loved me you would do it. I wouldnt do anything you I didnt think you would like. If it hurts, just tell me and we can go slower.


Well-Known Member
Allright sweetie, heres what were gonna do. We, and i mean yourselves and I , we are going to try something, and I am going to go real slow. It may hurt a little at first, but i promise, you will love it.

Dont you wanna manke me happy? If you loved me you would do it. I wouldnt do anything you I didnt think you would like. If it hurts, just tell me and we can go slower.
That sounds SO familiar.....Richard?


Well-Known Member
Allright sweetie, heres what were gonna do. We, and i mean yourselves and I , we are going to try something, and I am going to go real slow. It may hurt a little at first, but i promise, you will love it.

Dont you wanna manke me happy? If you loved me you would do it. I wouldnt do anything you I didnt think you would like. If it hurts, just tell me and we can go slower.
Howzabout this one?

"Bend over Baby...I'll DRIVE


Well-Known Member
yea..i dont think people dont eva wanna have sex with someone they dont knoe..but shit happens..especially at parties..


New Member
yea..i dont think people dont eva wanna have sex with someone they dont knoe..but shit happens..especially at parties..
Don't is a negative. Two negatives in a sentence is a double negative. Two negatives in a sentence making a double negative, leads to the sentence not making sense to the casual reader. OR a good reader.:mrgreen:
Don't x 2=double negative
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