Read this, see the ignorance we face!


Active Member
Date Posted: 2/10/03 5:06pm Subject: 10 Important Facts about MARIJUANA! Don't do it! First of all, I want to present you all with some REAL facts about Marijuana. These are the truth and undebatable. The only replies I want are ones that praise me for this service. NO FLAMES PLEASE!

Fact 1:
Marijuana is a gateway drug. Most users of Marijauna (92%) that use it, end up using drugs such as Crack Cocaine or "e".

Fact 2:
Marijuana contains many harmful chemicals. One such ingredient is carbon, the same chemical found in your urine, poison, and feces. Yuck!

Fact 3:
People that use Marijuana often don't get jobs as adults. Many times they regret ever experimenting/being a frequent user. The suicide rate for Marijuana users is MUCH higher!

Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting. (They steal and sell what they get, all to feed their habit.

Fact 5:
Nancy Reagen did not start the war on drugs. This is a common misconception, and it is only used to weaken the anti-drug arguement. Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".

Fact 6:
Doing drugs does not make you cool. In a survey 78% of kids reported those that did drugs as "losers" and "unlikely to suceed".

Fact 7:
Marijuana smells bad, and those that use it can easily be identified. Women prefer those that don't use it, because Marijuana losers the pheremone testosterone, the chemical that makes women lustful. It is also the chemical that makes your penis big.

Fact 8:
Contrary to popular belief, Marijuana IS addicting. Those that use it end up throwing their life away, all for the chance to "get high".

Fact 9:
Marijuana contains 3x the harmful chemicals as a regular pack of filtered cigarettes! You've seen what those do! Imagine the havock weed wrecks on your body!

Fact 10:
Marijuana is just stupid. The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children. Don't throw your life away for Mary Jane.

This informative report has been brought to you by BPSM.

Well if i wasnt out of pot id be laughing, but since im slightly drunk i feel more like crying.


Well-Known Member
Fact 7:
Marijuana smells bad, and those that use it can easily be identified. Women prefer those that don't use it, because Marijuana losers the pheremone testosterone, the chemical that makes women lustful. It is also the chemical that makes your penis big.

dammm........... that's a shame


Well-Known Member
You should post where you got that shit from,so the entire forum can hammer him with negative responses.


Active Member
Its a drop in the pond. The shit they come up with and offer no proof at all. Did you know 90% of cocaine users smoked pot? Really?! 99% of them went to church as well, and thats not banned.. and it has killed alot more people than pot.


Active Member
I just smoked my way through two semesters of organic chemistry, and yes.. carbon is in pot. And the bible.. lol and Dubya.. and guns... and bombs.. and rednecks..


Well-Known Member
something else it has is Dihydro Monoxide... which is really insidious stuff [FONT=Helvetica,Arial][SIZE=+2][/SIZE][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting.

I love it, now if I could only find my old Slayer tapes....


Well-Known Member
Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting.

I love it, now if I could only find my old Slayer tapes....
I got some old motorhead records if ya wanna barrow em, maybe we can steal stuff and sell it for weed

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Where to begin.

I don't know what is wrong with some people, can they really be that stupid, really I mean he managed to use a computer. I guess that’s what years of social conditioning can do.

Or am I the on who has been conditioned, Damn this evil pot messing with my brain.


Well-Known Member
I chuckled that carbon is bad for a carbon based life form. And there is water in piss too, eek! Why would I want that?!?! This is too funny. Almost as good as the 'How not to grow weed' thread.