My first grow guys!


I just went over to check on my soil grow, one of the plants is 2 foot high now, seems like it just shot up 3-4 inches in the last few days, I think I got you beat on the internode spacing, haha.

They are all looking good though, 5 liters water every two days now with this hot weather, once the heat wave is over I am going to start them on a very low strength nutrient mix just to try give them a bit of a boost.


Well-Known Member
Nice! Lol :) I watered the kerala today it had been five days since watering gave a little cal mag to see if that was the problem with it. The runoff was 6.2 so Idk what the problem is with it.


Well-Known Member
Lol I didn't think so. I know that's why I'm so damn paranoid Lmao i am really putting some effort into it lol I been reading how to increase female ratios and stuff. Being bagseed ya never know though lol what about those purple stems on that one plant? Don't worry just keep doing what I'm doing? I'm not gonna change a thing until I know there is a real problem KISS right?
Matts probably getting tired of me worrying about sex lmao
purple stems ill show u purple stems LOL




Oh teas in hydro or soil?

Teas are a 100% NO in hydro, the stuff in them will clog up your lines, pump, etc.

In soil I barely bother with anything, I am pretty much organic...

Organic soil
Organic compost

No nutrients, we will see how they go. So far the only issue I have had is with Light burn when I moved them outside. This is a photo from 2 hours ago, they are looking very nice top growth, obviously the light burn is still there on the bottom.

So far all I have done is give them 6.4 PH tap water, but I have some nutrients I will add next water at 1/4 strength. My soil is high in organic components so don't want to over feed them.

Cdd your like a nervous mother to your plants, haha...They look good just adjust things in small doses and they will keep being good.



Well-Known Member
Oh teas in hydro or soil?

Teas are a 100% NO in hydro, the stuff in them will clog up your lines, pump, etc.

In soil I barely bother with anything, I am pretty much organic...

Organic soil
Organic compost

No nutrients, we will see how they go. So far the only issue I have had is with Light burn when I moved them outside. This is a photo from 2 hours ago, they are looking very nice top growth, obviously the light burn is still there on the bottom.

So far all I have done is give them 6.4 PH tap water, but I have some nutrients I will add next water at 1/4 strength. My soil is high in organic components so don't want to over feed them.

Cdd your like a nervous mother to your plants, haha...They look good just adjust things in small doses and they will keep being good.
They look good and yes an over protective mother I am lol :-P


Usually around the 5th to 8 week of veg you will spot pre-flowers from the 5th node up, just give them little more time. Mine are about a week or two away from pre-flower, which is fine as the northern lights needs time to catch up, it's actually good cause I have started lst the bigger plants in the meantime


Well-Known Member
I think that I might need to lst. The biggest one is probably just over a foot tall right now though so maybe not. I have probably six feet of room vertically


Expect them to double in size in flower

You have at least 2 weeks of veg ideally before thinking about switching them to flower, so they will probably grow another 4-8 inches in that time. Perhaps around two foot by the time you switch and then depending on how much sativa dominance in the pheno it can stretch a fair bit.

If you LST be prepared to see other growth and tops forming if you don't snap it back within a few days to a week, I am doing this currently with my WWxS#1 so that I can get the lower growth to come up a bit more to fill some space on the right of the cabinet.

Its a good way to bush out your plant more within a tent and height does not necessarily equate to a bigger yield. If you just want to leave it growing natural without LST it will still provide a great grow for you but LST can increase your yields by providing more light to lower parts of the plants.

Sometimes if you don't want to LST you can just take cuttings for clones from all of your lower stems a day before flower and then trim the rest of the lower growth over the last week of veg, first week of flower. This will focus a lot of the energy on the top growth and bud locations rather than on vegative growth or popcorn bud sights below.

Either way its your choice how you want to do it, this will just give you bit of brief info on few ways to grow out if you do or don't.


Well-Known Member
Expect them to double in size in flower

You have at least 2 weeks of veg ideally before thinking about switching them to flower, so they will probably grow another 4-8 inches in that time. Perhaps around two foot by the time you switch and then depending on how much sativa dominance in the phenol it can stretch a fair bit.

If you LST be prepared to see other growth and tops forming if you don't snap it back within a few days to a week, I am doing this currently with my WWxS#1 so that I can get the lower growth to come up a bit more to fill some space on the right of the cabinet.

Its a good way to bush out your plant more within a tent and height does not necessarily equate to a bigger yield. If you just want to leave it growing natural without LST it will still provide a great grow for you but LST can increase your yields by providing more light to lower parts of the plants.

Sometimes if you don't want to LST you can just take cuttings for clones from all of your lower stems a day before flower and then trim the rest of the lower growth over the last week of veg, first week of flower. This will focus a lot of the energy on the top growth and bud locations rather than on vegative growth or popcorn bud sights below.

Either way its your choice how you want to do it, this will just give you bit of brief info on few ways to grow out if you do or don't.
I just tie a string from the bottom of the stem to the side of the pot and then go 3/4 of the way up the plant and tie it over for lst right?
Or can I just top them once more? Do I top both shoots that came out of the topping last time?