ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.

If I recall, Mr. Carter took the hit for the hostage failure, is that enough for you? As I said, there is a difference between an ACCIDENT and a poorly constructed or concieved intentional enterprise.

It should've been the US navy that took the hit. They fucked up. Without their shoddy helos, delta would have rescued the hostages
This congress has passed an historically low amount of bills but when one of them is the "Freedom to Fish Act" I think they are still passing too many.

I don't think we need a bunch of new laws, we need to UNDO a bunch of old ones.

Obama also broke a record for most campaign promises period. How does his percentage stack up? I ask because I don't know, not because I'm trying to prove anything, he may have the record there too as far as I know.

Bush senior didn't even like to make promises, some do, some don't but according to the stats, Obama is doing prety well, especially in the face of an opposition that publicly vowed to simply not do anything that might remotely let him look good.
Bush senior didn't even like to make promises, some do, some don't but according to the stats, Obama is doing prety well, especially in the face of an opposition that publicly vowed to simply not do anything that might remotely let him look good.

What stats and pretty well at what?
Politifact does a decent job of keeping a pretty honest track even though the site leans left. They've been hard at times on him awarding him the lie of the year so I trust them.

He's kept more campaign promises than he broke, which for Romney would have made for a very long first day to match ( for those that didn't watch the debate, Romney promised "and on the first day I am in office I will...." a lot)

He broke 117 promises so far. Which is more promises total that most candidates ever make. So yeah, he would also hold the record for most broken promises in history (tracked history) for a president.
Politifact does a decent job of keeping a pretty honest track even though the site leans left. They've been hard at times on him awarding him the lie of the year so I trust them.

He's kept more campaign promises than he broke, which for Romney would have made for a very long first day to match ( for those that didn't watch the debate, Romney promised "and on the first day I am in office I will...." a lot)

He broke 117 promises so far. Which is more promises total that most candidates ever make. So yeah, he would also hold the record for most broken promises in history (tracked history) for a president.

Some of the promises future Presidents make are near impossible to keep because of ever changing demands of governing, however, IMO, there is no excuse for the Obama administrations justice department to mingle in state mmj laws.
Some of the promises future Presidents make are near impossible to keep because of ever changing demands of governing, however, IMO, there is no excuse for the Obama administrations justice department to mingle in state mmj laws.

I think this is why campaign promises are disingenuous or a sign of inexperience. Problem is, if a prez says she/he wants to cut spending, or poverty, or increase our school score, etc, the press will hound them for explicit details as to how, when the goal should always to be to work with congress to do what the candidate wants. To give details is just silly because you are not supposed to have that type of power.
On point and such obvious outward manifestations of your daddy issues. Did your mother go single mom?

A lack of a meaningful response only shows us how pedo you are. We know your mommy was a Filipino house maid and you are a bastard child of a product of your overweight pedo father who ass fucked your mom.

How does it feel to be birthed from the anus of a Filipino house maid? Is that what makes you such a blatant pedo?

A lack of a meaningful response only shows us how pedo you are. We know your mommy was a Filipino house maid and you are a bastard child of a product of your overweight pedo father who ass fucked your mom.

How does it feel to be birthed from the anus of a Filipino house maid? Is that what makes you such a blatant pedo?


Wow, adding "Fin" to member's usernames never gets tired, boring and played out. You'd think it would, but it never does. It just drips of "WINNING."

Does the use of "Filipino" in the flaccid insult, make it more demeaning? Are the anuses of "Filipino" housemaids worse than others? Do they possess an undesirable property that allows anal impregnation and a proclivity of the progeny to go pedo?

Definitely racist.
Wow, adding "Fin" to member's usernames never gets tired, boring and played out. You'd think it would, but it never does. It just drips of "WINNING."

Does the use of "Filipino" in the flaccid insult, make it more demeaning? Are the anuses of "Filipino" housemaids worse than others? Do they possess an undesirable property that allows anal impregnation and a proclivity of the progeny to go pedo?

Definitely racist.

Are you mad you didn't think of it first? I'll let you use it if you like little buddy.


Don't cry little fella.
follow along please, pretty well at keeping campaign promises.

What promises has he kept? Real ones, from the trail?

Hope for Change?

I can't think of a single one.



I am pretty sure he did run on the ACA, not the first time, but he did the second.

So, we keep our doctors?

Bengahzi was just an accident? Some video

I don't think he made any promises he kept. Enlighten me?
He's kept about half. I guess that's pretty good for a politician but would you get you fired from most any other job.

recall a recent poster who would rather be dominated by hate than facts claimed he hadn't kept any. I have s very large problem with many of obamas actions, failures and policies but I am not blinded by hatred as so many are such that they will distort the truth and call you names if you state that truth. The guy simply HAS to be all bad, no room at all for reason. It is getting old.
recall a recent poster who would rather be dominated by hate than facts claimed he hadn't kept any. I have s very large problem with many of obamas actions, failures and policies but I am not blinded by hatred as so many are such that they will distort the truth and call you names if you state that truth. The guy simply HAS to be all bad, no room at all for reason. It is getting old.

Yep, I'll admit my bias against the lazy platform that can only find solutions by taking from others so I'm guilty of this myself. When I listen to a speech of Obama's, I find myself agreeing more than not, but in practice he's not the same man. What he's shown is he's Bush without the humanitarian efforts. I'm also not a fan of dropping bombs in sovereign countries without a declaration from congress. Or killing US citizens by executive order. I see your side support actions that is absolutely shocking to me, and I KNOW that if a different letter were in charge you would not support them. (You in general terms, not you in particular canndo).

The Democratic leadership heavily supported the war in Iraq, then supported lobbing a few harmless bombs at Syria yet Bushney will be seen by your side as the lying war monger. There is a lot of red and blue filters covering facts.

When there was huge pressure on Obama over gay marriage his answer was that's a state thing. I see your side claiming "see? Obama supports gay marriage". I challenge anyone to name a president in our lifetime that was less of a state's rights guy. It was a cowardly cop-out and he does not get called out on it.

You are right there is an Obama derangement disease in this country. You conveniently leave off that Bushney derangement syndrome is still prevalent 5 years later. There is so much hatred for Bushney in this country that when Obama doubles down on what we hated about Bush, He gets a free pass from "Bush did it too" crowd.

I blame our two party system as much as anything, but I don't have a better solution. Maybe our elections should be held American Idol style where we whittle down candidates every week 1 by 1 and party doesn't matter. Of course the problem with this is teenage girls will decide all elections.
recall a recent poster who would rather be dominated by hate than facts claimed he hadn't kept any. I have s very large problem with many of obamas actions, failures and policies but I am not blinded by hatred as so many are such that they will distort the truth and call you names if you state that truth. The guy simply HAS to be all bad, no room at all for reason. It is getting old.

You can call hate if you insist on Sophistry for you style...which you do quite often.

But, I see you cannot refute me. Tell me one promise kept, instead of pushing hatred. That is just your word, Sigmund.

The hated against Bush, you can spew it. Got it all memorized, I'm sure.

Yet, he broken not a single campaign promise.
What promises has he kept? Real ones, from the trail?

Hope for Change?

I can't think of a single one.



I am pretty sure he did run on the ACA, not the first time, but he did the second.

So, we keep our doctors?

Bengahzi was just an accident? Some video

I don't think he made any promises he kept. Enlighten me?

I posted a link to a list.
I posted a link to a list.

All right, I went back and found it. Most of those I don't call promises. Everyone runs on a platfrom.

A promise is....read my lips, no new taxes

........I will close Gitmo

........I promise an open an transparent govt,

Stuff like that. The rest of it was done by Congress not the Preisdent

It is not a President promise, what the Congress will deliver.

And the Miami Herald? Did you check with the Cato Institute?

....508 promises he made when he ran for president in 2008? Promises. That's not what got him his second term. That is white guilt.

What about the lies that got him elected in first place? All that revision of his first Biography.

The guy is living a lie. But, I don't hate. That is a very corrosive emotion.